Dependency Packages
Consensus.jl7A lightweight Consensus-Based Optimisation package for Julia
Posets.jl7Partially ordered sets fully compatible with Graphs.jl
ConceptualClimateModels.jl7ConceptualClimateModels.jl is a Julia package for creating and analysing conceptual models of climate, such as energy balance models, glaciation cycle models, or climate tipping models.
RealTimeAudioDiffEq.jl7A Julia package for real-time audification of ODEs and SDEs
GeoStatsSolvers.jl7Built-in solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
PointProcessInference.jl7Statistical inference for Poisson Processes
MarriageMarkets.jl7Equilibrium marriage market models.
CompHENS.jl7Computational Tools for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis
StateSpaceDynamics.jl7Julia library for fitting and analyzing state space models. Provides efficient implementations of various SSMs including the canonical Gaussian LDS (Kalman Filter/Smoother), Poisson LDS, HMMs, etc.
RobustFactorizations.jl7Robust SVD and PCA in Julia
CherenkovDeconvolution.jl7Deconvolution algorithms popular in Cherenkov astronomy
CharFuncPricing.jl7Julia package to provide reference European option prices for stochastic volatility models with a known characteristic function, such as the Heston stochastic volatility model.
Phonetics.jl7A collection of functions to analyze phonetic data
RELOG.jl7RELOG: Reverse Logistics Optimization
CarlemanLinearization.jl7Carleman linearization for dynamical systems in Julia
Arena.jl7Collection 3D visualization tools associated with the Caesar.jl and RoME.jl robot navigation packages
CALiPPSO.jl7Julia package for producing jammed configurations of hard-spheres using iterative linear programming.
Absynth.jl7A Julia package for loop synthesis
LRMoE.jl7LRMoE implemented in Julia
BulkAndTails.jl7Julia package for Bulk-And-Tails (BATs) distribution, along with R interface
WaveguideQED.jl7Library for simulating time binned photons in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
OptimalTransportNetworks.jl7Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium - in Julia
E4ST.jl7Engineering, Economic, and Environmental Electricity Simulation Tool (E4ST)
Kinematic1D.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
KinematicDriver.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
RobotVisualizer.jl7Tools for robot visualization in Julia.
ONSAS.jl7An Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver in Julia
SymbolicsMathLink.jl7Julia package to seamlessly integrate Mathematica's MathLink with Julia's native Symbolics package
DrawSimpleGraphs.jl6Drawing functions for `SimpleGraphs`
DWaveNeal.jl6🌊 D-Wave Neal Simulated Annealing Interface for JuMP
EnergyCommunity.jl6Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
EfficientFrontier.jl6Entire Efficient Frontier by Status-Segment Method
ReplicateBE.jl6Mixed model solution for replicate designed bioequivalence study.
LinearFractional.jl6Linear fractional programming with Julia and JuMP
VoronoiGraph.jl6Voronoi diagrams in N dimensions using an improved raycasting method.
BellScenario.jl6Compute Bell inequalities and their quantum violations.
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