Dependency Packages
GeoStatsSolvers.jl7Built-in solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
LocallyWeightedRegression.jl7Locally weighted regression solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
MolecularGaussians.jl7Alignment and comparison of small molecules read from .sdf files represented as Gaussian Mixture Models.
LRMoE.jl7LRMoE implemented in Julia
TensorNetworkCodes.jl7TensorNetworkCodes is a Julia library developed to support the following research:
ConceptualClimateModels.jl7ConceptualClimateModels.jl is a Julia package for creating and analysing conceptual models of climate, such as energy balance models, glaciation cycle models, or climate tipping models.
IndependentComponentAnalysis.jl6Fast implementations of FastICA and DUET for blind source separation
JetPackWaveFD.jl6Jet operator pack for seismic modeling dependent on WaveFD.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
Sentinel.jl6This is a Julia library for processing ESA Sentinel 2 satellite data.
Knockoffs.jl6Variable Selection with Knockoffs
CriticalDifferenceDiagrams.jl6Plot critical difference diagrams in Julia
MPIReco.jl6Julia package for MPI reconstruction
Repotomata.jl6Generates a cellular automata animation of the given GitHub repository.
FFmpegPipe.jl6Save videos from Julia
AlgorithmicRecourseDynamics.jl6A Julia package for modelling Algorithmic Recourse Dynamics.
Unfolding.jl6Package for unfolding of complex 3-D geometries.
VlasovMethods.jl6Numerical Methods for Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell Systems
EnergyCommunity.jl6Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
VoronoiGraph.jl6Voronoi diagrams in N dimensions using an improved raycasting method.
HarmonicPowerModels.jl6An extension package of PowerModels.jl for Harmonic (Optimal) Power Network
GslibIO.jl6Utilities to read/write extended GSLIB files in Julia
ADI.jl6Algorithms for performing angular differential imaging (ADI)
SPHtoGrid.jl6Package to map SPH particle data to a cartesian grid
ImageHashes.jl6Perform image hashing in julia
Foresight.jl6A Makie theme
BayesFlux.jl6Bayesian addition to Flux.jl
WatershedParcellation.jl5A high performance Julia adaptation of the code from "Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations" (Gordon et al 2016)
EdgeCameras.jl5Julia implementation of Bouman et al.'s edge camera algorithm
EconoSim.jl5Economic simulation tools
PointPatterns.jl5Point patterns for the GeoStats.jl framework
MoM_AllinOne.jl5A Julia package for integration of packages of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
CompressedBeliefMDPs.jl5Compressed belief-state MDPs in Julia compatible with POMDPs.jl
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
RankCompV3.jl5The RankCompV3 package is based on the julia.
Santiago.jl5Sanitation System Alternative Generator
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