Dependency Packages
NeXLSpectrum.jl5EDS spectrum analysis tools within the NeXL toolset
PulseInputDDM.jl5A Julia library for fitting DDMs to pulse-based evidence accumulations task data
SurvivalSignature.jl5Computation and numerical approximation of survival signatures.
EverySingleStreet.jl5Visualize your everysinglestreet challenge
AxisSets.jl5Consistent operations over a collection of KeyedArrays
GtkUtilities.jl5Interactive utilities for the Gtk toolkit (Julia)
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
LocalFunctionApproximation.jl4Scalar-valued local function approximation across a real-valued vector space
GeoStatsFunctions.jl4Geostatistical functions for the GeoStats.jl framework
GeoLearning.jl4Geostatistical learning solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
InferenceReport.jl4Generate nice reports from MCMC-based approximations
MagnonPhononHybridization.jl4Magnon-phonon hybridized system.
EmbeddingsAnalysis.jl4A package for embeddings processing
MetapopulationDynamics.jl4Population dynamics across space, in Julia.
MLJTestIntegration.jl4Utilities to test implementations of the MLJ model interface and provide integration tests for the MLJ ecosystem
DPMMSubClustersStreaming.jl4Code for our AISTATS '22 paper "Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data"
ParticleMDI.jl4A Julia package for integrative cluster analysis of multiple genomics datasets
PerronFrobenius.jl4Estimating the transfer operator (Perron Frobenius operator) and invariant measures from time series.
PlantGeom.jl4Everything 3D for plants 🌱
RandomPhaseApproximation.jl4Standard random phase approximation (particle-hole channel) for quantum lattice system.
CausalForest.jl4Causal forests following HTERF method and their interpretabilty
RedClust.jl4Julia package to perform Bayesian clustering of high-dimensional Euclidean data using pairwise dissimilarity information.
ReverseGeocode.jl4Quick offline reverse geocoding in Julia.
BSTModelKit.jl4A Julia package for building, and running Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) models
SnowyOwl.jl4A single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis toolkit in Julia.
StatsLearnModels.jl4Statistical learning models for tabular data
SymbolicInference.jl4Probabilistic inference using the symbolic method.
Aurora.jl4Empirical Bayes mean estimation with nonparametric errors via order statistic regression in Julia (
AgentsPlots.jl4Plotting functionality for Agents.jl - Agent-Based Modelling in Julia
GeoStatsTransforms.jl4Geospatial transforms for the GeoStats.jl framework
BLASBenchmarksGPU.jl3Benchmark BLAS libraries on GPUs
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
Bactos.jl3Agent-based modeling framework for bacterial behavior, based on Agents.jl
NCTiles.jl3NetCDF support for climate model output and domain decompositions
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