Dependency Packages
FusionSystems.jl1A simple fusion systems code for comparing pulsed and steady-state tokamaks
WebToys.jl1Fun toys built on top of JuliaGizmos projects!
AutomationLabsExportation.jl1Advanced exports management for AutomationLabs.jl
TopOptMakie.jl1Makie visualization module for TopOpt.jl
CurricularVisualization.jl1CurricularVisualization.jl is an extension of the CurricularAnalytics.jl toolbox for visualizing curricula and degree plans.
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
StippleDownloads.jl1Donwload dynamically generated files with Stipple apps
TreeViewWidget.jl1A minimal TreeView widget
NTNk.jl1Unsupervised Machine Learning: Nonnegative Tensor Networks + k-means clustering
PlotlyGeometries.jl1PlotlyGeometries.jl is a Julia package designed for creating and manipulating 3D geometrical shapes and visualizations using PlotlyJS.jl.
SDFResults.jl1Read and analyze EPOCH simulation data
MonotoneDecomposition.jl1Julia package for the paper "Decomposition with Monotone B-splines: Fitting and Testing"
VisualSearchACTR.jl1Pre-attentive attentive vision
GasChromatographySystems.jl1A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC) in complex systems
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
AdaptiveTestPlots.jl1Plots for ComputerAdaptiveTesting.jl and FittedItemBanks.jl
PsychExpAPIs.jl0API for writing Psychology Experiments
PrincipalMomentAnalysisApp.jl0Simple GUI for exploring data sets using Principal Moment Analysis
PQBaseCamp.jl0Base data analysis methods for Paliquant
PICDataStructures.jl0Data structures for Particle-in-Cell codes
PersistentHomologyTransfer.jl0Implementation of Persistent Homology Transform
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
MambaModels.jl0DEPRECATED. Mamba versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
LiquidElectrolytes.jl0Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson model for liquid electrolytes
KeplerTools.jl0Basic tools for working with Kepler 2-body orbits
StippleTypedArrays.jl0Add TypedArray support for Genie/Stipple apps
JHistint.jl0Julia interface for implementing REST APIs available on the CDSA (Cancer Slide Digital Archive) portal for managing histological images available from TCGA. The library includes functions for managing image processing algorithms for cell segmentation, constructing the adjacency matrix, tessellation process and interfacing with J-Space.jl.
HarmonicPowerFlow.jl0A simple and fast module to solve the harmonic power flow problem for given distribution grids.
FSInteraction.jl0A framework for simulating dynamical structures coupling with viscous incompressible flows
ConstrainedDynamicsVis.jl0Visualization for the ConstrainedDynamics.jl package.
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
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