Dependency Packages
GEOTRACES.jl1Read and use GEOTRACES data in Julia.
GeoStatsPlots.jl1Plots.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
ReactionNetworkEvolution.jl1This package simplifies evolutionary algorithms for applications in systems biology. It can be used to generate oscillating reaction networks, networks that match input timeseries data, or fit parameters (rateconstants).
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
ReefModEngine.jl1A Julia interface to the ReefMod Engine API
Relationals.jl1Simple, fast access to relational data sources. Inspired by Rails ActiveRecord.
Relief.jl1Implementations of various Relief-based algorithms in Julia
GaussianSimulation.jl1Gaussian simulation solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
GasChromatographySystems.jl1A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC) in complex systems
FredMDQD.jl1Julia library to load Fred MD and Fred QD datasets.
RipsererPrep.jl1This package formats your data to use in the Ripserer package.
Fread.jl1Using R's {data.table}'s excellent `fread` in Julia
RitSpls.jl1Robustness-inducing transformations for sparse partial least squares
RomeoDFT.jl1Romeo Occupation Matrix Energy Optimizer for DFT
RvLineList.jl1Package for generating masks and line lists for use in stellar radial velocity measurements
RvSpectMLBase.jl1Base package to be imported by other members of RvSpectML ecosystem
FFAST.jl1Chantler's FFAST mass absorption coefficients
SeasonalStreamflowForecasts.jl1A web client for the Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting Service the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
SentinelExplorer.jl1A pure Julia package for querying and downloading Sentinel data.
SevenDayStreamflowForecasts.jl1A web client for the 7-Day Streamflow Forecasting Service the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
Equate.jl1Equating Functions
EpithelialDynamics1D.jl1Simulations of epithelial dynamics in 1D.
EHTUVData.jl1A Julia package to handle multi-dimensional radio interferometric data
Simpsons.jl1Statistics, Julia package: check data for a Simpson's statistical paradox.
SimSpread.jl1SimSpread is a novel approach for predicting interactions between two distinct set of nodes, query and target nodes, using a similarity measure vector between query nodes as a meta-description in combination with the network-based inference for link prediction.
SimulinkSDIImporter.jl1Import data from Simulink SDI Sessions to Julia.
SkyDomes.jl1Compute solar radiation and generate sky domes for VPL
SmallDatasetMaker.jl1Making your own small dataset
SMLMBoxer.jl1SMLMBoxer.jl is a Julia package that provides a fast and efficient method for detecting particles or blobs in a multidimensional image stack and cutting out sub-regions around local maxima.
SMLMData.jl1Data types and utilities for SMLM coordinate data.
SMLMFrameConnection.jl1Frame-connection on localization microscopy data
SMLMMetrics.jl1Metrics for SMLM
SMLMSim.jl1Simulation of single molecule data sets
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