Dependency Packages
WeightedEdgeListFormat.jl0A small package that I needed for multiple Pluto.jl projects and wanted to access easily.
CycleSolver.jl0Package for solving steady state thermodynamic cycles
ModiaPlot_WGLMakie.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with WGLMakie
ModiaPlot_PyPlot.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with PyPlot
MDTable.jl0A package for reading and writing MD tables.
MetidaBase.jl0Metida base package.
GlobalSearchRegressionGUI.jl0Global Search Regression GUI
QuantumStateDB.jl0Quantum state database
OceanDistributions.jl0Distributions of ocean properties
CUDAPreconditioners.jl0Convenience wrappers to incomplete factorizations from CUSPARSE to be used for iterative solvers of sparse linear systems on the GPU
StringMethod.jl0Julia implementation of the String Method for computing transition paths and saddle points on energy landscapes
GModelFitViewer.jl0GModelFitViewer - web viewer for the GModelFit produced results
VeriQuEST.jl0Simulating quantum computing verification
Graphene.jl0A Julia package for graphene analysis
SubglobalSensitivityAnalysis.jl0Global sensitivity analysis in a subspace of total parameter space
CryptoMarketData.jl0A library for saving and loading OHLCV candle data from cryptocurrency exchanges
QuantumFluidSpectra.jl0Fast, accurate, and flexible spectral analysis for compressible quantum fluids
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
VirtualAgeModels.jl0Virtual Age Models for Julia
SunAsAStar.jl0Routines to compute extra information needed for Sun-as-a-star observations
MetidaFreq.jl0Metida frequency tables.
CorrelationTrackers.jl0Type for fast updating of correlation functions
ModiaPlot_GLMakie.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with GLMakie
GroupedTemporalTerms.jl0Use leads and lags for panel data in `@formula`s.
HapLink.jl0Viral haplotype calling by linkage disequilibrium
HarmonicPowerFlow.jl0A simple and fast module to solve the harmonic power flow problem for given distribution grids.
HCGeoTherm.jl0Geotherm calculation routines according to Dr. Derrek Hasterok and Dr. David Chapman
AbidesMarkets.jl0Julia wrapper for ABIDES-Markets
Colocalization.jl0Colocalization metrics and distances for images or their sparse representations.
MetidaNLopt.jl0NLopt.jl implementation for Metida.jl
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