Dependency Packages
HiQGA.jl37High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
AzureClusterlessHPC.jl36A Julia package for clusterless distributed computing on Azure
SymmetryReduceBZ.jl35A Julia package for calculating irreducible Brillouin zones for 2D or 3D crystal structures.
ASE.jl34Julia Bindings for Atomic Simulation Environment
GriddingMachine.jl34Functions to read gridded data so as to feed Clima Land model
ElectricalEngineering.jl33Julia electrical engineering package
Spectra.jl32Spectra.jl aims at helping treatment of spectral (Raman, Infrared, XAS, NMR) data under the Julia language
SerialPorts.jl31SerialPort IO streams in Julia backed by pySerial.
SciPy.jl29Julia interface for SciPy
SyntheticGrids.jl28Julia package for building synthetic power grids
GoogleSheets.jl27Julia package for working with Google Sheets
Simplicial.jl27A package for various computations with simplicial complexes, combinatorial codes, directed complexes and their filtrations.
SOM.jl26Kohonen's self-organising maps for Julia
OceanTurb.jl25Models and parameterizations for the turbulent ocean surface boundary layer in Julia
Express.jl25Express: a high-level, extensible workflow framework for accelerating ab initio calculations for the materials science community
FLOWPanel.jl25Three-dimensional panel method for low-speed aerodynamics
SyntheticDatasets.jl24Collection of artificial data generators in julia
MHDFlows.jl24Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) pseudospectral solvers written in julia with FourierFlows.jl
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
QHull.jl24A Julia wrapper around a PyCall wrapper around the qhull Convex Hull library
ScenTrees.jl23Julia Package for Generating Scenario Trees and Scenario Lattices for Multistage Stochastic Optimization
VTKDataIO.jl23A package for reading, writing and visualizing mesh data, and interfacing with Python's VTK.
MLInterpret.jl22A Meta Package for Machine Learning Interpretation
FluxReconstruction.jl22Flux reconstruction method for advection-diffusion type physics
UnsteadyFlowSolvers.jl22Solvers for problems involving unsteady fluid flow
SciPyDiffEq.jl21Wrappers for the SciPy differential equation solvers for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
FiniteMesh.jl20Mesh I/O and connectivity computation methods
Delaunay.jl19Find the Delaunay triangulation for a set of points
Cropbox.jl19🌾 declarative crop modeling framework
Lale.jl18A Julia wrapper of Python's lale automl package
JOLI.jl17Julia Operators LIbrary
MusicVisualizations.jl17Providing music-related visualization built on top of the packages of JuliaMusic
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
ASDF.jl16A Julia implementation of the Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF)
NumPyArrays.jl15Julia package to extend the conversion of Julia arrays to NumPy arrays
UpROOT.jl15Julia package to access CERN ROOT files, wraps Python package uproot
CrudePythonTranslator.jl15Tool to make crude translations of Python code to Julia.
VectorModesolver.jl14Vector Finite Difference Maxwell Modesolver
Gym.jl14Yet another Julia wraper for OpenAi gym
GAlgebra.jl14Julia interface to GAlgebra via PyCall
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