Dependency Packages
MetidaBioeq.jl2This packege made foe bioequivalence testing.
SantasLittleHelpers.jl2A package full of toys for me to use in my other programs.
LinComs.jl2Linear combinations of parameters
MRIGradients.jl2Julia version of MRI gradient descriptions and GIRF applications.
SeuratRDS.jl2Handle loading and unloading of serialized seurat objects in julia
DegreesOfFreedom.jl2Julia package for "Degrees of Freedom: Search Cost and Self-consistency"
Alpaca.jl2Julia wrapper for the alpaca R library to estimate GLM's with high-dimensional fixed effects
MixedModelsSerialization.jl2A staging ground for serialization in the MixedModels ecosystem
GeoStatsValidation.jl2Validation methods for the GeoStats.jl framework
Fread.jl1Using R's {data.table}'s excellent `fread` in Julia
HighlyAdaptiveLasso.jl1A MLJ wrapper to the R [HAL]( package.
WrappedR.jl1Wrap some of my favorite R packages in Julia
AnalyticalMethodValidation.jl1Method validation
UnivariateFunctions.jl1A package for simple algebra, calculus and evaluation of one dimensional functions. Can be used for approximation (splines, interpolation) and algebra.
Equate.jl1Equating Functions
StochasticIntegrals.jl1This generates covariance matrices and cholesky decompositions for a set of stochastic integrals.
ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysis.jl1Quantitative analysis of chemicals
MatrixLM.jl1Core functions to obtain closed-form least squares estimates for matrix linear models.
MetidaCu.jl1CUDA solver for Metida.jl
TSMLextra.jl1External Machine Learning Libs for TSML
LimitOfDetection.jl1Estimate LoD from data
QuasiCopula.jl1A Flexible Quasi-Copula Distribution for Statistical Modeling
MonotoneDecomposition.jl1Julia package for the paper "Decomposition with Monotone B-splines: Fitting and Testing"
AdaptiveTestPlots.jl1Plots for ComputerAdaptiveTesting.jl and FittedItemBanks.jl
AnovaMixedModels.jl0Conduct one-way and multi-way anova in Julia with MixedModels.jl
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
RIrtWrappers.jl0This package wraps some R libraries for fitting IRT models
BEASTDataPrep.jl0Standard data cleaning tools prior to generating BEAST xml file
BayesSizeAndShape.jl0Bayesian regression models for size-and-shape data
VirtualAgeModels.jl0Virtual Age Models for Julia
MetidaStats.jl0Metida descriptive statistics.
MetidaNLopt.jl0NLopt.jl implementation for Metida.jl
MetidaFreq.jl0Metida frequency tables.
MDEStudy.jl0A package which calculate abnormal returns in market data sets.
GroupedTemporalTerms.jl0Use leads and lags for panel data in `@formula`s.
JDQMCMeasurements.jl0Implements and exports methods for measuring various correlation function for use in DQMC simulations.
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