Dependency Packages
MirrorUpdater.jl3Automatically mirror Julia package repositories
GoAWS.jl2Julia wrapper of GoAWS
CloudflareR2.jl2📁 Tools for interacting with Cloudflare R2 from Julia.
OndaBatches.jl2Local and distributed batch loading for Onda datasets
CleanUpPullRequestPreviews.jl1Automatically delete old pull request previews from Documenter, Franklin, etc.
RepoSnapshots.jl1Take "snapshots" of the main branches of every repository in a GitHub organization
Timestream.jl1AWS timestream client
AWSInfinidash.jl1Idiomatic Julia wrapper of AWS Infinidash
IonBase.jl1Base package for the IonCLI, one can extend the CLI for internal use using this package.
CloudSegyIO.jl0SegyIO overlay for writing to Cloud buckets
OscarDevTools.jl0Tools for developing Oscar and for continuous integration
RemoveLFS.jl0Take "snapshots" of the main branches of repositories that use Git LFS
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