Dependency Packages
SeaPearlZoo.jl21SeaPearl's pool of examples
ParameterEstimocean.jl20🎲 Parameter estimation for Oceananigans using EnsembleKalmanProcesses
CalibrateEDMF.jl20A package to calibrate atmospheric turbulence and convection parameterizations using gradient-free ensemble Kalman methods
SVR.jl19Support Vector Regression for Unsupervised Machine Learning
TensorInference.jl19Probabilistic inference using contraction of tensor networks
YaoCompiler.jl18The Yao compiler project
TypeClasses.jl16Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad and more
AbstractLogic.jl15An Abstract Reasoning Logic Interface
SimpleWebsockets.jl14A flexible, powerful, high level interface for websocket SERVER and CLIENT in Julia.
PhyNEST.jl13A Julia package for estimating phylogenetic networks from genomic data
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
QuranTree.jl13A Julia package for working with the Quranic Arabic Corpus.
DataGraphs.jl12A simple graph type with data on the vertices and edges.
ExtensibleEffects.jl12Implementing extensible effects in Julia
SoleModels.jl12Symbolic modeling in Julia!
Justly.jl11Beyond the scale
ModalDecisionTrees.jl11Julia implementation of Modal Decision Trees & Forests, for interpretable classification of spatial and temporal data. Long live Symbolic Learning!!
NURBS.jl11This package provides functionality to define and evaluate B-spline and NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) basis functions, their derivatives, as well as curves and surfaces based on both considered basis functions.
OperatorFlux.jl10Operator layers for Flux.jl that allow for the construction of Neural Operator models by using Flux's API. Useful for discretization-independent spatio-temporal ML models.
IESopt.jl10IESopt (Integrated Energy System Optimization) is a modeling and optimization framework for integrated energy systems.
POMDPSolve.jl10A Julia wrapper for pomdp-solve that interfaces with the POMDPs.jl framework
EinExprs.jl9Einsum Expressions in Julia
Bigleaf.jl8Ecosystem properties based on a 'big-leaf' representation of the vegetation
Consensus.jl7A lightweight Consensus-Based Optimisation package for Julia
ONSAS.jl7An Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver in Julia
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
MondrianForests.jl7Mondrian random forests in Julia
BeeEncoder.jl7A Julia interface to BEE (Ben-Gurion University Equi-propagation Encoder) for SAT problem
OptimalMatrixCompletion.jl6A custom branch-and-bound algorithm for solving low-rank matrix completion to certifiable optimality
NamedGraphs.jl6Extension of `Graphs.jl` to graphs with named vertices.
BestModelSubset.jl6A julia package to implement model selection algorithms on basic regression models.
BellScenario.jl6Compute Bell inequalities and their quantum violations.
AdaStress.jl6Reinforcement learning framework to find and analyze the likeliest failures of a system under test.
QXContexts.jl5Julia package for performing tensor contractions on distributed machines
ModalDecisionLists.jl5Modal decision trees, but it's sequential covering.
QXTns.jl5Package with data structures and functions for manipulating tensor networks
DyadicKDE.jl4Dyadic kernel density estimation in Julia
AudioSchedules.jl4Schedule synthesizers!
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