Dependency Packages
VectorizationBase.jl67Base library providing vectorization-tools (ie, SIMD) that other libraries are built off of.
CUDAdrv.jl67A Julia wrapper for the CUDA driver API.
TransformVariables.jl66Transformations to contrained variables from ℝⁿ.
DiffEqNoiseProcess.jl63A library of noise processes for stochastic systems like stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and other systems that are present in scientific machine learning (SciML)
ElasticArrays.jl63Resizeable multi-dimensional arrays for Julia
SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl63Fast and simple nonlinear solvers for the SciML common interface. Newton, Broyden, Bisection, Falsi, and more rootfinders on a standard interface.
DiffEqParamEstim.jl61Easy scientific machine learning (SciML) parameter estimation with pre-built loss functions
DynamicPolynomials.jl60Multivariate polynomials implementation of commutative and non-commutative variables
SparsityDetection.jl59Automatic detection of sparsity in pure Julia functions for sparsity-enabled scientific machine learning (SciML)
DelayDiffEq.jl59Delay differential equation (DDE) solvers in Julia for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem. Covers neutral and retarded delay differential equations, and differential-algebraic equations.
Scratch.jl58Scratch spaces for all your persistent mutable data needs
DecFP.jl57Julia IEEE decimal floating-point via the Intel decimal-float library
BlockBandedMatrices.jl56A Julia package for representing block-banded matrices and banded-block-banded matrices
AdvancedPS.jl56Implementation of advanced Sequential Monte Carlo and particle MCMC algorithms
Decimals.jl55Pure Julia decimal arithmetic library.
LRUCache.jl55An implementation of an LRU Cache in Julia
CpuId.jl54Ask the CPU for cache sizes, SIMD feature support, a running hypervisor, and more.
ArrayLayouts.jl54A Julia package for describing array layouts and more general fast linear algebra
InplaceOps.jl54Convenient macros for in-place matrix operations in Julia
FastClosures.jl54Faster closure variable capture
SortingAlgorithms.jl53Extra sorting algorithms extending Julia's sorting API
NaNMath.jl53Julia math built-ins which return NaN and accumulator functions which ignore NaN
Static.jl52Static types useful for dispatch and generated functions.
Permutations.jl51Permutations class for Julia.
Tracker.jl51Flux's ex AD
CodecZlib.jl50Zlib codecs for TranscodingStreams.jl.
PackageExtensionCompat.jl50Makes Julia's package extensions backwards compatible
MutableArithmetics.jl49Interface for arithmetics on mutable types in Julia
PooledArrays.jl48A pooled representation for arrays with few unique elements
BFloat16s.jl48Julia implementation for the BFloat16 number type
DiffEqPhysics.jl48A library for building differential equations arising from physical problems for physics-informed and scientific machine learning (SciML)
TableOperations.jl46Common table operations on Tables.jl interface implementations
SHA.jl46A performant, 100% native-julia SHA1, SHA2, and SHA3 implementation
InlineStrings.jl46Fixed-width string types for Julia
DiffEqDevTools.jl46Benchmarking, testing, and development tools for differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML)
Contour.jl44Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia
Bijections.jl44Bijection datatype for Julia.
IntervalTrees.jl44A data structure for efficient manipulation of sets of intervals
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