Dependency Packages
IOCapture.jl30Capturing standard output and error streams in Julia.
InverseFunctions.jl29Interface for function inversion in Julia
Distributed.jl26Create and control multiple Julia processes remotely for distributed computing. Ships as a Julia stdlib.
LoweredCodeUtils.jl18Tools for manipulating Julia's lowered code
PtrArrays.jl17Back to the stone age!
StatsAPI.jl17A statistics-focused namespace for packages to share functions
Rmath.jl16Archive of functions that emulate R's d-p-q-r functions for probability distributions
IrrationalConstants.jl16Defines additional irrationals
ArgTools.jl14Tools for writing functions that handle many kinds of IO arguments
ANSIColoredPrinters.jl14ANSI escape code translator
MarkdownAST.jl13Abstract syntax tree representation of Markdown documents in Julia
Sass.jl13Compile scss and sass file to css in Julia
DensityInterface.jl12Interface for mathematical/statistical densities in Julia
ChangesOfVariables.jl11Interface for transformation functions in Julia
RegistryInstances.jl9Access the information in installed Julia registries.
AliasTables.jl8An efficient sampler for discrete random variables
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