Dependency Packages
HiQGA.jl37High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
CommonSubexpressions.jl37Naïve combined subexpression elimination in Julia
Format.jl37A Julia package to provide C and Python-like formatting support
ColorVectorSpace.jl35Treat colors as if they are n-vectors for the purposes of arithmetic
DiffResults.jl35A package which provides an API for querying differentiation results at multiple orders simultaneously
ImageBinarization.jl35A Julia package of algorithms for analyzing images and automatically binarizing them into background and foreground.
ConstructionBase.jl34Primitives for construction of objects
PlotUtils.jl34Generic helper algorithms for building plotting components
FFMPEG.jl34Julia Package for the FFMPEG builder binaries
ComputationalResources.jl34Julia package for selecting hardware, libraries, and algorithms for a computation
UnicodeFun.jl33Functions to transform text into unicode symbols, e.g. latex --> unicode
LibCURL.jl33Julia wrapper for libcurl
DataAPI.jl33A data-focused namespace for packages to share functions
ReadVTK.jl32Julia package for reading VTK XML files
ManualMemory.jl31Manual memory management utilities.
NLSolversBase.jl30Base package for optimization and equation solver software in JuliaNLSolvers
InverseFunctions.jl29Interface for function inversion in Julia
ImageCore.jl28Julia types for representing images
ImageIO.jl28Load images in Julia. Designed for FileIO interaction. Supports PNG and Portable Bitmap formats
ImageMorphology.jl27Morphological operations for image processing
URIs.jl26URI parsing in Julia
Distributed.jl26Create and control multiple Julia processes remotely for distributed computing. Ships as a Julia stdlib.
ImageShow.jl26Inline graphical display of images in Julia graphical environments
Inflate.jl24Julia implementation of zlib decompression
TensorCore.jl24Lightweight package for sharing tensor-algebra definitions
WoodburyMatrices.jl23Support for the Woodbury matrix identity for Julia
MosaicViews.jl23Julia package for lazily viewing a 3D or 4D array as an expanded 2D array in the form of a mosaic of matrix slices
SentinelArrays.jl23Array types that can use sentinel values of the element type for special values
WeakRefStrings.jl23A minimal String type for Julia that allows for efficient string representation and transfer
Ratios.jl23Faster Rational-like types for Julia
SLEEFPirates.jl22Pirated SLEEF port.
FFTViews.jl21Julia package for fast fourier transforms and periodic views
LazyModules.jl21No, no, not now
StackViews.jl20No more 🐱🐱
CommonSolve.jl19A common solve function for scientific machine learning (SciML) and beyond
IndirectArrays.jl19Julia implementation of indexed or "lookup" arrays
IfElse.jl19Under some conditions you may need this function
PNGFiles.jl18FileIO.jl integration for PNG files
QOI.jl18QOI (Quite OK Image) format decoder/encoder.
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