11 Packages since 2019
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KissSmoothing.jl22Easily smooth your data in Julia
FixedPoint.jl13Fixed Point Method to solve equations for Julia
LapSolve.jl2Linear Assignment Problem solver via the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm
Trapz.jl34Julia package to easily calculate multidimensional integrals on discrete domains, brings MATLAB&Numpy trapz function to Julia
KissABC.jl29Pure julia implementation of Multiple Affine Invariant Sampling for efficient Approximate Bayesian Computation
NaturalES.jl14Simple julia Natural Evolution Strategies implementation
BayesHistogram.jl40Pure Julia package for optimal histogram binning, based on piecewise constant model.
LogSpline.jl0A Julia reimplementation of the popular "logspline" method for density estimation
EnsembleInversion.jl1Simple Ensemble Kalman Inversion implementation in Julia
DefaultArrays.jl3Julia array type supporting a default value, useful for storing very sparse information in a space efficient manner, the internal design uses "Dict" for storage, thanks to Tamas K. Papp @ https://github.com/tpapp
KernelOps.jl1Apply lazy kernel operations on AbstractArrays, they are composable and non copying. Have Fun!
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