16 Packages since 2013
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SuperLUBase.jl2Common definitions for SuperLU solver libraries.
CIndices.jl2Tiny package to allow using sparse arrays from C without incrementing indices.
SuperLUDIST.jl4Distributed Sparse Matrix Factorizations
KLU.jl26Julia Wrapper for the KLU sparse matrix solver from SuiteSparse
SparseArrays.jl88SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib
SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl103Sparse, General Linear Algebra for Graphs!
MKLSparse.jl52Make available to Julia the sparse functionality in MKL
Pardiso.jl97Calling the PARDISO library from Julia
WSMP.jl1Interface to the Watson Sparse Matrix Package
MUMPS1.jl0Alternative Julia interface to MUMPS sparse system solver
MUMPSseq.jl0Alternative Julia interface to MUMPS sparse system solver
HarwellBoeing.jl5A Julia Reader for the Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing Formats
HarwellRutherfordBoeing.jl5A Julia Reader for the Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing Formats
MatrixMarket.jl26Julia package to read MatrixMarket file format
Metis.jl53Julia interface to Metis graph partitioning
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