Biology Packages
GenomeAnnotations.jl1Manage Local Genome Annotation files
NeuroAnalysis.jl12Neural Signal Analysis
Iceberg.jl1Ice-seawater interface calculations using level set methods
ROC.jl17Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve for Julia Language
IntervalTrees.jl44A data structure for efficient manipulation of sets of intervals
Gillespie.jl60Stochastic Gillespie-type simulations using Julia
OBC.jl0Optimal Bayesian classification for RNA-Seq data
BrainWave.jl9Julia functions to process electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings
Bio.jl261[DEPRECATED] Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Infrastructure for Julia
SpikeSorter.jl7Spike sorting tools written in Julia, which may be of use to experimental neuroscientists
Pagel.jl2Detect correlated evolution on phylogenies
StatGenData.jl1Statistical analysis of genomic data
FastaIO.jl16Utilities to read/write FASTA format files in Julia
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