Cryptography Packages
VML.jl73Julia bindings for the Intel Vector Math Library
SHA.jl46A performant, 100% native-julia SHA1, SHA2, and SHA3 implementation
ToyFHE.jl93Toy implementation of FHE algorithms
MbedTLS.jl41Wrapper around mbedtls
Nettle.jl50Julia wrapper around nettle cryptographic hashing/encryption library providing MD5, SHA1, SHA2 hashing and HMAC functionality, as well as AES encryption/decryption
MD5.jl19A performant, 100% native-julia MD5 implementation
RNGTest.jl12Code for testing of Julia's random numbers
VSL.jl5Julia bindings to the Intel Vector Statistics Library.
Crypto.jl9A library that wraps OpenSSL, but also has pure Julia implementations for reference.
Sha256.jl2Sha256 hash algorithm for Julia
FNVHash.jl0Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions Julia package
Stupid.jl2Analysis of an 8 bit version of the cipher at
OpenSSLCrypto.jl3Julia interface to the crypto API of openssl
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