DevOps Packages
Compat.jl145Compatibility across Julia versions
Fuzz.jl51World's dumbest fuzzer
Playground.jl71A julialang environment builder (like python's virtualenv)
Coverage.jl175Take Julia code coverage and memory allocation results, do useful things with them
JulieTest.jl13A Julia testing framework inspired by javascript's Mocha
RunTests.jl17A test running framework for Julia
Stage.jl2Stage macros, checkpoints and loggers for julia
Fixtures.jl11Fixtures and patching to improve your test life with Julia
Jig.jl0Testing framework for Julia
Juke.jl1Make in Julia
Jake.jl0Rake for Julia
Lumberjack.jl35Create logs that would make Paul Bunyan blush
OpenStack.jl0Access the OpenStack API using Julia
Logging.jl43Logging package for julia
Homebrew.jl27OSX Binary dependency provider for Julia
PackageEvaluator.jl35A tool to evaluate the quality of Julia packages.
PackageTesting.jl2A standard for testing Julia packages
WinRPM.jl21RPM-md processing library
FactCheck.jl81Midje-like testing for Julia
BinDeps.jl56Tool for building binary dependencies for Julia modules
Saute.jl1A whimsical testing framework for Julia
Example.jl130Example Julia package repo.
Debug.jl86Prototype interactive debugger for Julia
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