Graphics Packages
YT.jl5Julia interface to yt
YOLO.jl45YOLO Object Detection in Julia
XKCD.jl44Retrieve data from the xkcd webcomic
WriteVTK.jl151Julia package for writing VTK XML files
WordCloud.jl107Word cloud generator in julia
Winston.jl1712D plotting for Julia
VulkanCore.jl75Julia bindings for the Vulkan API
Vulkan.jl108Using Vulkan from Julia
VTK.jl5Proof of concept VTK bindings for the Julia language
VLFeat.jl3Julia wrapper for the VLFeat computer vision library
VisualRegressionTests.jl29Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries
Visualizer.jl1Simple tool to pan through data in julia
VideoIO.jl126Reading and writing of video files in Julia via ffmpeg
VGPlot.jl1A knock-off of ggplot2 in Julia using Vega
VennEuler.jl11Venn/Euler Diagrams for Julia
VennDiagrams.jl2Generate Venn diagrams in Julia using Compose.jl.
VegaLite.jl267Julia bindings to Vega-Lite
Vega.jl6Julia bindings to Vega
UnitfulRecipes.jl37Plots.jl recipes for Unitful.jl arrays
UnicodePlots.jl1421Unicode-based scientific plotting for working in the terminal
TikzPictures.jl89Creating PGF/TikZ pictures and saving them in various formats
TikzGraphs.jl77This library generates graph layouts using the TikZ graph layout package.
TIFF.jl4TIFF file support for the Julia language
ThreeJS.jl56Julia interface to WebGL using Three-js custom elements and Patchwork.jl
TextPlots.jl44Fancy terminal plotting for Julia using Braille characters.
TestImages.jl25Commonly used test images
Taichi.jl41Using Taichi in Julia!
StatsMakie.jl48Statistical visualizations based on high performance plotting package Makie
StatPlots.jl437Statistical plotting recipes for Plots.jl
Starlight.jl138A greedy game engine for greedy programmers!
Sparklines.jl11A Julia implementation of ▁▂▃▅▂▇ spark: simple printing of unicode trendlines
Smile.jl2A Julia wrapper for the Smile C++ Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine for Bayesian & Influence Networks
Skia.jl11Experimental skia bindings
SixelGraphics.jl10A module for Julia implementing simple Sixel graphics
ShapeModels.jl4Statistical shape models / point distribution models
ShaderToy.jl16ShaderToy with GLVisualize.jl
SFML.jl93A binding of the game and multimedia library SFML for Julia
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