Machine Learning Packages
BackpropNeuralNet.jl47A neural network in Julia
Clustering.jl353A Julia package for data clustering
DecisionTree.jl351Julia implementation of Decision Tree (CART) and Random Forest algorithms
MLBase.jl186A set of functions to support the development of machine learning algorithms
SimpleML.jl1Textbook implementations of some Machine Learning Algorithms in Julia.
LIBSVM.jl88LIBSVM bindings for Julia
HopfieldNets.jl14Hopfield networks in Julia
MachineLearning.jl116Julia Machine Learning library
GLMNet.jl94Julia wrapper for fitting Lasso/ElasticNet GLM models using glmnet
KaggleDigitRecognizer.jl0Julia code for Kaggle's Digit Recognizer competition
NMF.jl91A Julia package for non-negative matrix factorization
SFA.jl0Slow Feature Analysis in Julia
Orchestra.jl44Heterogeneous ensemble learning for Julia.
DAI.jl2A julia binding to the C++ discrete approximate inference library for graphical models: libDAI
RegERMs.jl16DEPRECATED: Regularised Empirical Risk Minimisation Framework (SVMs, LogReg, Linear Regression) in Julia
ELM.jl27Extreme Learning Machine in julia
Ollam.jl7OLLAM: Online Learning of Linear Adaptable Models
GradientBoost.jl22Gradient boosting framework for Julia.
ConfidenceWeighted.jl1Confidence weighted classifier
BNMF.jl5Bayesian Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Contingency.jl1Experimental automated machine learning for Julia.
FunctionalDataUtils.jl7Utility functions for the FunctionalData package, mainly from the area of computer vision / machine learning
KDTrees.jl25KDTrees for julia
Kernels.jl78Machine learning kernels in Julia.
MLKernels.jl78Machine learning kernels in Julia.
Discretizers.jl18A Julia package for data discretization and label maps
Learn.jl2Base framework library for machine learning packages.
ProjectiveDictionaryPairLearning.jl16Julia code for the paper S. Gu, L. Zhang, W. Zuo, and X. Feng, “Projective Dictionary Pair Learning for Pattern Classification,” In NIPS 2014
TSVD.jl40Truncated singular value decomposition with partial reorthogonalization
PrivateMultiplicativeWeights.jl46Differentially private synthetic data
Ladder.jl17A reliable leaderboard algorithm for machine learning competitions
OnlineAI.jl34Machine learning for sequential/streaming data
SoftConfidenceWeighted.jl8Exact Soft Confidence-Weighted Learning
SVMLightLoader.jl5Loader of svmlight / liblinear format files
Strada.jl33A deep learning library for Julia based on Caffe
MIDI.jl67A Julia library for handling MIDI files
Knet.jl1427Koç University deep learning framework.
MXNet.jl371MXNet Julia Package - flexible and efficient deep learning in Julia
LIBLINEAR.jl12LIBLINEAR bindings for Julia
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