Mathematics Packages
IPPMath.jl1A Julia package for vectorized math computation based on Intel IPP
IntsWithInfinty.jl1Ints augmented with Infinity
SparseVectorMatrix.jl1SparseMatrices as a vector of SparseVectors
Blox.jl1Views of concatenated AbstractArrays in Julia
Orthopolys.jl1Orthogonal polynomials
ParallelLinalg.jl1Distributed Dense Linear Algebra for Julia
WSMP.jl1Interface to the Watson Sparse Matrix Package
HemirealFactorization.jl1Matrix factorizations over the hemireals
LMCLUS.jl1The Julia package for Linear Manifold Clustering
GraphicalModels.jl1Data structures and parsing tools for representing graphical models in Julia
WiltonInts84.jl1Integrals of arbitrary powers of R over flat triangles
NonuniformArray.jl1Ragged arrays in Julia
InvariantEnsembles.jl1Sample random unitary invariant ensembles
Series.jl0Series data structure in Julia
FNVHash.jl0Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions Julia package
FloorLayout.jl0Test out different formulations for the floor layout problem
RungeKuttaFehlberg.jl0A Julia implementation of the RKF45 method for time integration
RingBuffer.jl0Julia ring buffer implementation for buffered io
FEM.jl0Simple finite elements in Julia
InterPol.jl0Interpolating polynomial for Julia
FastPolynomials.jl0Basic polynomials with Horner-like evaluation over x^2 and x
FArrayMod.jl0This package is deprecated for modern and up-to-date see
ErrorFreeTransforms.jl0Several error-free transformations from the scientific literature
RandomForestBehaviors.jl0Microscopic driving models based on random forests
EiSCor.jl0Julia wrapper of the Fortran library for efficiently solving structured matrix eigenvalue problems using unitary core transformations
QuickStructs.jl0Several data structures with goals of O(1) for important operations
KSVD.jl0Highly optimized K-SVD implementation in Julia, with several parallelization techniques available.
DeepReshapes.jl0Reshape arbitrarily nested structures of Tuples and Arrays in Julia
D4.jl0An implementation of Cohen/Diaz y Diaz/Olivier's D4 count
PropertyGraphMongo.jl0A Mongo storage provider for the PropertyGraph.jl package
Cuhre.jl0Simplified Julia interface to Cuhre integration routine
LambertW.jl0Lambert W mathematical function
PowerSeries.jl0Truncated Power Series for Julia
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