
Tools for working with spatial fields discretized on or immersed in Cartesian grids
Author JuliaIBPM
20 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
May 2020


Tools for working with spatial fields discretized on or immersed in Cartesian grids

Documentation Build Status
Stable Dev Build Status Coverage

About the package

The purpose of this package is to enable easy setup of and operations on spatial fields on 2-d staggered Cartesian grids. Tools are provided for

  • Constructing field data that lie in the different finite-dimensional spaces of the grid: the centers, corners, and edges of the cells
  • Performing discretely-mimetic differential calculus operations on these data, such as div, grad, curl, etc. These operations are carried out in a manner that transforms them between the spaces.
  • Solving Poisson's equation on infinite grids using the lattice Green's function
  • Immersing data on co-dimension one and two entities (points, curves) into the grid
  • Performing operations on these co-dimension data.

Documentation can be found at

CartesianGrids.jl is registered in the general Julia registry. To install, enter the package manager by typing

] add CartesianGrids

Then, in any version, type

julia> using CartesianGrids

For examples, consult the documentation or see the example Jupyter notebooks in the Examples folder.