A simple, performant and accurate physics engine implemented in pure Julia using ModelingToolkit.jl and DifferentialEquations.jl. Depends on PrimitiveCollisions.jl for collisions. To use:
] add Collide
A simple world with 2 rectangular entities, and no gravity:
using Collide, PrimitiveCollisions, StaticArrays
# Create two entities
e = Collide.Entity(
name = :a,
shape = PrimitiveCollisions.Rect(1.0, 1.0),
linear_drag = 0.5
e2 = Collide.Entity(
name = :b,
shape = PrimitiveCollisions.Rect(1.0, 1.0),
position = SVector{2}(2.1, -1.2),
velocity = SVector{2}(-1.0, 0.0),
# Add them to the world
world = Collide.World(:w)
push!(world, e)
push!(world, e2)
sim = Collide.Simulation(w, [0., 0.]); # Add this semicolon or face pages of printed content
# Step 10.0 seconds, stopping after exactly 10.0s
Collide.step!(sim, 10.0, true)
- Entities that are intersecting when the collision starts will be stuck inside each other (they "collide from the inside").
- Entities that touch exactly (two circles at a distance equal to the sum of their radii) are also considered to intersect. To simulate things like Newton's cradle, separate the circles by a tiny distance (
). - The internals are not yet documented, but not too complicated either.
A simple plotting function, and one to generate a bunch of random bodies inside a box, are available in this gist. Try the following:
sim, w = manybody(10, 10)
animate(sim, w; tstep = 0.01, frames = 3000)