
Model coupled diffusion of major elements in garnet using natural data.
Author Iddingsite
2 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023

DiffusionGarnet.jl DiffusionGarnet.jl

Build Status DOI

DiffusionGarnet is a Julia package that can be used to do coupled diffusion modelling of major elements on natural garnet data. It currently supports 1D, 2D, 3D, and spherical coordinates.

It is built on top of the DifferentialEquations.jl package ecosystem and uses Unitful.jl to allow the user to define appropriate units for their problems. For 2D and 3D models, it uses ParallelStencil.jl to support multithreading on CPU and parallel computing on GPU.

To know more about this package, don't hesitate to refer to the documentation.

Quick start

using DiffusionGarnet
using DelimitedFiles
using Plots

# load the data of your choice (here from the text file located in https://github.com/Iddingsite/DiffusionGarnet.jl/tree/main/examples/1D, place it in the same folder as where you are running the code)
data = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("Data_Grt_1D.txt", '\t', '\n', header=true)[1]

Mg0 = data[:, 4]
Fe0 = data[:, 2]
Mn0 = data[:, 3]
Ca0 = data[:, 5]
distance = data[:, 1]
Lx = (data[end,1] - data[1,1])u"µm"  # length in x of the model
tfinal = 15u"Myr"  # total time of the model

# define the initial conditions in 1D of your problem
IC1D = InitialConditions1D(Mg0, Fe0, Mn0, Lx, tfinal)

# define the PT conditions
T = 900u"°C"
P = 0.6u"GPa"

# define a Domain struct containing the definition of your problem
domain1D = Domain(IC1D, T, P)

# solve the problem using DifferentialEquations.jl
sol = simulate(domain1D)

# you can now plot the solutions from the sol variable

anim = @animate for i = LinRange(0, sol.t[end], 100)
    l = @layout [a ; b]

    p1 = plot(distance, Fe0, label="Fe initial", linestyle = :dash, linewidth=1, dpi=200, title = "Timestep = $(round(i;digits=2)) Ma", legend=:outerbottomright, linecolor=1,xlabel = "Distance (µm)")
    p1 = plot!(distance, sol(i)[:,2], label="Fe",linecolor=1, linewidth=1)

    p2 = plot(distance, Mg0, label="Mg initial", linestyle = :dash, linewidth=1, dpi=200,legend=:outerbottomright,linecolor=2,xlabel = "Distance (µm)")
    p2 = plot!(distance, Mn0, label="Mn initial", linestyle = :dash, linewidth=1, linecolor=3)
    p2 = plot!(distance, Ca0, label="Ca initial", linestyle = :dash, linewidth=1, linecolor=4)
    p2 = plot!(distance, sol(i)[:,1], label="Mg",linecolor=2, linewidth=1)

    p2 = plot!(distance, sol(i)[:,3], label="Mn", linecolor=3, linewidth=1)

    p2 = plot!(distance, 1 .- sol(i)[:,1] .- sol(i)[:,2] .- sol(i)[:,3], label="Ca", linecolor=4, linewidth=1)

    plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
end every 1

println("Now, generating the gif...")
gif(anim, "Grt_1D.gif", fps = 7)

Here is the gif obtained:

1D diffusion profil of a garnet


DiffusionGarnet may be installed directly from the REPL:

  pkg> add DiffusionGarnet

And you can test the package with:

  pkg> test DiffusionGarnet

Funding & author

The development of this package was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 850530).

Author: Hugo Dominguez (hugo.dominguez@unibe.ch).