
High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
Author chmerdon
4 Stars
Updated Last
5 Months Ago
Started In
July 2023

Build status DOI


High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids.jl (for grid management) and ExtendableFEMBase.jl (for finite element basis functions and dof management). It offers a ProblemDescription interface, that basically involves assigning Unknowns and Operators. Such operators usually stem from a weak formulation of the problem and mainly consist of three types that can be customized via kernel functions:

  • BilinearOperator,
  • LinearOperator,
  • NonlinearOperator (that automatically assemble Newton's method by automatic differentiation)

Quick Example

The following minimal example demonstrates how to setup a Poisson problem.

using ExtendableFEM
using ExtendableGrids

# build/load any grid (here: a uniform-refined 2D unit square into triangles)
xgrid = uniform_refine(grid_unitsquare(Triangle2D), 4)

# create empty PDE description
PD = ProblemDescription()

# create and assign unknown
u = Unknown("u"; name = "potential")
assign_unknown!(PD, u)

# assign Laplace operator
assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator([grad(u)]; factor = 1e-3))

# assign right-hand side data
function f!(fval, qpinfo)
    x = qpinfo.x # global coordinates of quadrature point
    fval[1] = x[1] * x[2]
assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator(f!, [id(u)]))

# assing boundary data (here: u = 0)
assign_operator!(PD, HomogeneousBoundaryData(u; regions = 1:4))

# discretise = choose FESpace
FEType = H1Pk{1,2,3} # cubic H1-conforming element with 1 component in 2D
FES = FESpace{FEType}(xgrid)

# solve
sol = solve!(Problem, [FES])

# plot
using PyPlot
plot(id(u), sol; Plotter = PyPlot)