Theorems Environment for Franklin.jl, using syntax reminiscent of the LaTeX amsthm
This is a plugin for Franklin.
In order to install it, add FranklinTheorems
in the Julia package manager.
To enable the plugin, add the following lines to the utils.jl
# Includes the Package, bringing the lx_functions into scope
using FranklinTheorems
# Includes the custom markdown files, bringing the `\newcommand` and `\newenvironment` definitions into scope.
Additionally, FranklinTheorems also creates the .theorem
, .theorem-header
, .theorem-type
, .theorem-accordion
, .theorem-panel
, .theorem-accordion-text
, and .proof-box
div environments. We provide a CSS file for the tufte Franklin style.
After installing the package, the following Julia code will return the path to a local copy of the CSS file:
using FranklinTheorems
At the top of every markdown webpage you use this plugin for, include the line
and at the bottom of every such markdown webpage, include the lines
Then, you can create definitions, theorems, and lemmas:
\begin{definition}{The Name of The Defined}{label-name}
This is the body of the definition.
$$17 + 9$$
_You **can** include styling and math in the body of the definition._
You can similarly use \begin{theorem}...\end{theorem}
and \begin{lemma}...\end{lemma}
Further, if the optional parameter label-name
is given, then you can run \definitionref{label-name}
to create a link to the definition.
You can similarly run \theoremref{...}
and \lemmaref{...}
The label-name parameter can also be left empty if you do not want to refer to it elsewhere.
Suppose you want to use blocks other than theorem
, lemma
, and definition
Then, in utils.jl
, you can specify additional blocks you want to use.
For example, suppose you want to provide some corollaries. Then, you would write:
Which would then export the corollary
environment and corollaryref
command, in addition to the standard theorem
, lemma
, and definition
commands and environments.
You can also include proofs, which creates a new CSS class and has a QEQ box at its end.
To start and end a proof, use \begin{proof}...\end{proof}
In order to hide longer proofs, we also provide an interactive dropdown
latex-style environment.
Then the syntax
\begin{dropdown}{Dropdown Button Title}
Write your proof here.
creates a button, and hides the proof. The text of the button reads "Dropdown Button Title". When clicked, the proof can be revealed and hidden.
The dropdown
environment works without a proof inside of it; that's just the expected use-case.
The CSS is also written such that dropdown menus look nice immediately after a proof:
\begin{lemma}{Lovely Lemma}{lemma-eg}
This is a lovely lemma.
\begin{dropdown}{_Lovely proof of \lemmaref{lemma-eg}_}
This is a lovely proof.