Julia package to request data from the GEOGloWS streamflow service API
Author KMarkert
2 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
October 2021


Julia package to request data from the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow service

Information regarding the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow service can be found at the About page


$ julia
julia> ]
pkg> add GEOGloWS
julia> using GEOGloWS

Quick start

The GEOGloWS services provides critical historical and forecast information on streamflow for every reach across the globe. This quick start example illustrates how to request data for the Brahmaputra River near Guwahati, India.

Requesting historical data

using GEOGloWS

df = GEOGloWS.historic_simulation(26.1807, 91.7108)

15553×2 DataFrame
   Row │ datetime             streamflow_m^3/s
       │ DateTime…            Float64          
     11979-01-01T00:00:00       0.0
     21979-01-02T00:00:00       3.41469
     31979-01-03T00:00:00       26.3249
     41979-01-04T00:00:00       68.7416
   ⋮   │          ⋮                  ⋮
 155502021-07-28T00:00:00       24899.9
 155512021-07-29T00:00:00       23278.6
 155522021-07-30T00:00:00       22384.6
 155532021-07-31T00:00:00       22817.1
                             15545 rows omitted

Requesting forecast data

using GEOGloWS

df = GEOGloWS.forecast_ensembles(26.1807, 91.7108)

145×53 DataFrame
 Row │ datetime             ensemble_01_m^3/s  ensemble_10_m^3/s  ensemble_11_m^3/s  ensemble_12_m^3/s  ensemble_13_m^3/s  ensemble_14_m^3/s  ensemble_15_m^3/s  ensemble_16_m^3/s  ensembl ⋯
     │ DateTime…            Float64?           Float64?           Float64?           Float64?           Float64?           Float64?           Float64?           Float64?           Float64 ⋯
   12021-10-16T00:00:00            10738.7            10738.7            10738.7            10738.7            10738.7            10738.7            10738.7            10738.722021-10-16T01:00:00          missing            missing            missing            missing            missing            missing            missing            missing   
   32021-10-16T02:00:00          missing            missing            missing            missing            missing            missing            missing            missing   
   42021-10-16T03:00:00            10687.7            10687.6            10687.7            10687.6            10687.7            10687.6            10687.6            10687.6
  ⋮  │          ⋮                   ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋮                  ⋱
 1422021-10-30T06:00:00            18810.5            20950.2            18868.2            19794.4            16530.8            20430.2            17165.0            14943.71432021-10-30T12:00:00            19617.2            21530.3            19545.2            20586.4            17056.5            21485.9            17189.7            15129.7
 1442021-10-30T18:00:00            20127.3            21759.9            19995.9            21154.5            17334.7            22283.9            17025.3            15103.7
 1452021-10-31T00:00:00            20292.8            21616.3            20157.9            21426.9            17329.0            22724.2            16667.9            14857.3
                                                                                                                                                              44 columns and 137 rows omitted

For more information on the methods the signatures, please see the API documentation

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