Impostor is a 100% Julia synthetic tabular-data generator bundled with various utility functions to ease your life when creating fictitious, fraudulent, fake, (virtually impostor-like) data!
Some examples are provided in the "Getting Started" section below, for more detailed examples check out the documentation page.
First, add the Impostor.jl to the current environment:
] add Impostor
And then:
using Impostor
using DataFrames
credit_card_number(; formatted = true)
# "4767-6731-1326-5309"
surname(4; locale = ["pt_BR"])
# 4-element Vector{String}:
# "Feranndes"
# "Pereira"
# "Camargo"
# "Pereira"
firstname(["M"], 4)
# 4-element Vector{String}:
# "Charles"
# "Zacharias"
# "Paul"
# "Charles"
city(["BRA", "USA"], 4; level=:country_code)
# 4-element Vector{String}:
# "Curitiba"
# "Los Angeles"
# "São Paulo"
# "Rio de Janeiro"
address(["BRA", "USA", "BRA", "USA"]; level = :country_code)
# 4-element Vector{String}:
# "Avenida Paulo Lombardi 1834, Ba" ⋯ 25 bytes ⋯ "84-514, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil"
# "Abgail Smith Alley, Los Angeles" ⋯ 42 bytes ⋯ "ornia, United States of America"
# "Avenida Tomas Lins 4324, (Apto " ⋯ 23 bytes ⋯ "orocaba - 89457-346, SP, Brasil"
# "South-side Street 1st Floor, Li" ⋯ 52 bytes ⋯ "as-AR, United States of America"
my_custom_template = ImpostorTemplate([:firstname, :surname, :country_code, :state, :city]);
my_custom_template(4, DataFrame; locale = ["pt_BR", "en_US"])
# 4×5 DataFrame
# Row │ firstname surname country_code state city
# │ String String String3 String15 String15
# ─────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# 1 │ Mary Collins BRA Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
# 2 │ Kate Cornell USA Illinois Chicago
# 3 │ Carl Fraser BRA Paraná Curitiba
# 4 │ Milly da Silva USA California Los Angeles
template_string = "I know firstname surname, this person is a(n) occupation";
# "I know Charles Jameson, this person is a(n) Mathematician"
println("My new car plate is $(render_alphanumeric("^^^-####"))")
# My new car plate is TXP-9236