
Calculate measures for Discriminative Lexicon models developed with JudiLing.
Author quantling
3 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
April 2022


Dev Build Status

JudiLingMeasures enables easy calculation of measures in Discriminative Lexicon Models developed with JudiLing (Luo, Heitmeier, Chuang and Baayen, 2024).

Most measures in JudiLingMeasures are based on R implementations in WpmWithLdl (Baayen et al., 2018) and LdlConvFunctions (Schmitz, 2021) and the Python implementation in pyldl (Saito, 2022) (but all errors are my own). The conceptual work behind this package is therefore very much an effort of many people (see Bibliography). I have tried to acknowledge where each measure is used/introduced, but if I have missed anything, or you find any errors please let me know: maria dot heitmeier at uni dot tuebingen dot de.

You can find the documentation here.


using Pkg

Note: Requires JudiLing 0.5.5. Update your JudiLing version by running

using Pkg

If this step does not work, i.e. the version of JudiLing is still not 0.5.5, refer to this forum post for a workaround.

How to use

For a demo of this package, please see notebooks/measures_demo.ipynb.

Measures in this package

For an overview over all measures in this package and how to use them, please refer to the documentation, which can be found here.

For a comparison of measures in JudiLingMeasures and WpmWithLDL, LDLConvFunctions and pyldl see notebooks/compare_JudiLingMeasures_with_WpmWithLdl_LDLConvFunctions_pyldl.ipynb.

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