
LeafletJS mapping library from Julia
Author JuliaGeo
20 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
April 2022


CI codecov.io

LeafletJS maps for Julia.

This package integrates with WebIO.jl to render leaflet maps for outputs like Blink.jl, Mux.jl, and for Jupyter notebooks.

All GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries can be displayed as layers.

A basic example, where we use GADM to download a country boundary shapefile, and plot them over the CARTO :dark_nolabels base layers.

using Leaflet, Blink, GADM
layers = Leaflet.Layer.([GADM.get("CHN").geom[1], GADM.get("JPN").geom[1]]; color=:orange); 
provider = Providers.CartoDB()
m = Leaflet.Map(; layers, provider, zoom=3, height=1000, center=[30.0, 120.0]);
w = Blink.Window(; body=m)

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