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Updated Last
27 Days Ago
Started In
January 2014

Build Status codecov

Historical financial time series data for research and testing in Julia.


Testing data

There are some data builtin for testing or demo purpose. The full list of testing data is here.

julia> using MarketData

julia> cl
500×1 TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}} 2000-01-03 to 2001-12-31
│            │ Close  │
│ 2000-01-03111.94 │
│ 2000-01-04102.5  │
│ 2000-01-05104.0  │
│ 2000-01-0695.0   │
│ 2000-01-0799.5   │
│ 2000-01-1097.75  │
│ 2000-01-1192.75

Remote data source

This package supports Yahoo Finance API for retrieving data.

julia> yahoo(:INTC)
10187×6 TimeArray{Float64,2,Date,Array{Float64,2}} 1980-03-17 to 2020-08-07
│            │ Open   │ High   │ Low    │ Close  │ AdjClose │ Volume     │
│ 1980-03-170.32550.33070.32550.32550.20221.09248e7  │
│ 1980-03-180.32550.32810.32290.32290.20061.70688e7  │
│ 1980-03-190.33070.33590.33070.33070.20551.85088e7  │
│ 1980-03-200.33070.33460.32940.32940.20471.11744e7  │
│ 1980-03-210.32290.32290.31770.31770.19741.21728e7  │
│ 1980-03-240.31640.31640.31120.31120.19338.9664e6   │
│ 1980-03-250.31250.31770.31250.31250.19411.13472e7  │
│ 1980-03-260.31250.31510.30990.30990.19251.62624e7  │
│ 1980-03-270.30470.30470.29950.29950.1862.69184e7  │
│ 1980-03-280.31120.31640.31120.31120.19332.01024e7  │
│ 1980-03-310.32160.32680.32160.32160.19989.0048e6   │
│ 1980-04-010.32290.32810.32290.32290.20068.1792e6   │
│ 1980-04-020.32550.33070.32550.32550.20221.25568e7

The full API reference is here.