
Met Office historic station data
Author tpgillam
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Updated Last
5 Months Ago
Started In
January 2024


Build Status Coverage Code Style: Blue ColPrac: Contributor's Guide on Collaborative Practices for Community Packages

Access the Met Office Historic station data.

These are monthly summaries of weather from across the UK, with long histories.


If you know the short_name of a station, you can obtain the data like so:

using MetOfficeStationData
779×7 DataFrame
 Row │ yyyy   mm     tmax     tmin     af     rain       sun
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64  Float64  Int64  Float64?   Float64?
   1 │  1959      1      4.4     -1.4     20  missing         78.1
   2 │  1959      2      7.5      1.2      9  missing         66.0
   3 │  1959      3     11.5      3.8      0  missing         98.0
   4 │  1959      4     14.3      5.4      0  missing        146.1
   5 │  1959      5     18.1      6.5      0  missing        224.8
   6 │  1959      6     21.6     10.1      0  missing        252.4

To obtain metadata for all stations, including the short_names needed for MetOfficeStationData.get_frame:

37×5 DataFrame
 Row │ name                        lat      lon      year_start  short_name
     │ String                      Float64  Float64  Int64       SubString…
   1 │ Aberporth                    52.139   -4.57         1941  aberporth
   2 │ Armagh                       54.352   -6.649        1853  armagh
   3 │ Ballypatrick Forest          55.181   -6.153        1961  ballypatrick
   4 │ Bradford                     53.813   -1.772        1908  bradford
   5 │ Braemar No 2                 57.011   -3.396        1959  braemar


Run the example Pluto.jl notebook for a simple interactive visualsation of the data.

For example, for the Cambridge Niab station, as of January 2024: Cambridge rainfall Cambridge temperature


The data files given by the Met Office include various annotations, e.g. noting the types of sensor used, or whether data is preliminary, or even if a station changed location. We do not preserve any of this!

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