
Author NordicMRspine
2 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
March 2023


Build Status codecov

MRINavigator.jl provides multiple navigator-based correction pipelines for magnetic resonance data. These aim at demodulating time dependent field variations. The package was developed with a focus on spinal cord imaging, however it can be used for multiple imaging applications. The corrections are to be applied on the raw data before the image reconstruction. MRIReco.jl can be used to reconstruct the images.

More details can be found in the online documentation.

Example data, scripts and results are also available.

MRIReco reference:

How to give credit

If you use this package please acknowledge us by citing:

Optimised navigator correction of physiological field fluctuations in multi-echo GRE of the lumbar spinal cord at 3T. L Beghini, G David, M D Liechti, S Büeler, S J Vannesjo. 2023. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).

Community Standards

This project is part of the Julia community and follows the Julia community standards.