Package for reading NRRD files. Implements the FileIO interface.
Originally located in Images.jl
Writing plain NRRD headers
Normal usage is as easy as
img = load("myfile.nrrd")
img = load("myfile.nhdr")
save("myotherfile.nrrd", img)
However, if you already have a raw binary representing the "data file", the FileIO interface isn't sufficently flexible for writing just the header. Assuming you want to save "rich" axis information, a low-level approach using AxisArrays is the following:
using NRRD, FileIO, ImageCore, AxisArrays, Unitful
using Unitful: μm, s
# For a 480x640x200 image with time as the third axis,
# assuming a pixel spacing of 0.25μm and a framerate of 8fps
axy = Axis{:y}((1:480)*0.25μm)
axx = Axis{:x}((1:640)*0.25μm)
axt = Axis{:time}((1:200)*0.125s)
header = NRRD.headerinfo(N0f16, (axy, axx, axt)) # assuming N0f16 data
header["datafile"] = "mydata.raw"
open("mydata.nhdr", "w") do io
write(io, magic(format"NRRD"))
NRRD.write_header(io, "0004", header)