
Utilities for importing/exporting EDF Files to/from Onda datasets
Author beacon-biosignals
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Started In
December 2020


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OndaEDF provides functionality to convert/import/export EDF files to/from Onda recordings; see the edf_to_onda_samples, edf_to_onda_annotations, and onda_to_edf docs/tests for details.

EDF Formatting Expectations

While OndaEDF attempts to be somewhat robust to more common nonstandard/noncompliant quirks that often appear in EDF files "in the wild", the package generally expects the caller to perform any necessary preprocessing to their EDFs to ensure they comply with the EDF/EDF+ standards/specifications, as well as a few other expectations to facilitate conversion to Onda.

These expectations are as follows:

  • EDF.Signal labels follow the standard "$TYPE $SPECIFICATION" structure defined by the EDF standards, and signal types documented by the aforementioned standard (EEG, EKG, etc.) are labeled in compliance with naming conventions defined by the standard.
  • EDF.Signals that are matched as channels to a common Onda.Signal must have the same physical_dimension, sample rate, and sample count.
  • The physical_dimension field for any given EDF.Signal is a value supported by OndaEDF.STANDARD_UNITS.

Note that callers can additionally use the labels argument to edf_to_onda_signals to workaround some of these expectations; see the plan_edf_to_onda_samples docstring for more details.

Fine-grained control over Signal processing: plan_edf_to_onda_samples and edf_to_onda_samples(edf, plan)

Because the default labels do not always match EDF files as seen in the wild, OndaEDF provides additional tools for creating, inspecting, manipulating, and recording the EDF.Signal-to-Onda.Samples mapping. In fact, the high-level function edf_to_onda_samples contains very few lines of code:

function edf_to_onda_samples(edf::EDF.File; kwargs...)
    signals_plan = plan_edf_to_onda_samples(edf; kwargs...)
    samples, exec_plan = edf_to_onda_samples(edf, signals_plan)
    return samples, exec_plan

The executed plan as returned is a Tables.jl-compatible table, with one row per EDF.Signal and columns for

  • the fields of the original EDF.SignalHeader
  • the fields of the generated Onda.SamplesInfoV2, including
    • :sensor_type, the extracted sensor type
    • :channel, the extracted channel label (instead of :channels, since each EDF.Signal is exactly one channel in Onda.Samples)
  • :edf_signal_index, the 1-based numerical index of the source signal in edf.signals
  • :onda_signal_index, the ordinal index of the resulting samples (not necessarily the index into samples, since some groups might be skipped)
  • :error, any errors that were caught during planning and/or execution.

This table could, for instance, be recorded somewhere during ingest of large or complex datasets, as a record of how the Onda.Samples were generated. OndaEDF includes the OndaEDFSchemas sub-package, which provides Legolas.jl Schemas for this purpose: Plan ("ondaedf.plan@1") which corresponds to the columns for a single EDF signal-to-Onda channel conversion, and FilePlan ("ondaedf.file-plan@1") which includes the additional file-level linkage columns :edf_signal_index and :onda_signal_index. The write_plan(io_or_path, plan_table) provides a wrapper around Legolas.write which writes a table following the "ondaedf.file-plan@1" schema to a generic path-like destination. If you are including the plan tables in a dataset, you can add a dependency on OndaEDFSchemas to make sure the relevant schemas are defined without the full OndaEDF dependency.

It can also be manipulated programmatically, by manually or semi-automatically modifying the :sensor_type, :channel, or other columns to correct for missed signals by the default labels (for which :sensor_type and :channel will be missing). We give two examples of how such a workflow might work here: one where the plan is modified before being executed, and another where EDF signal headers are be preprocessed before the plan is constructed.

Modification of a plan

For instance, some EEG datasets have the physical units set to millivolts, but the signals are usually better measured in microvolts. During import, you want to correct this by adjusting the encoding settings used by Onda to store samples, by scaling the sample offset and resolution by 1000 and setting the physical units. This can be accomplished by modifying the rows of the plan like so:

edf = EDF.File(my_edf_file_path)
plans = plan_edf_to_onda_samples(edf; label=my_labels)

function fix_millivolts(plan)
    if plan.sample_unit == "millivolt" && plan.sensor_type == "eeg"
        sample_resolution_in_unit = plan.sample_resolution_in_unit * 1000
        sample_offset_in_unit = plan.sample_offset_in_unit * 1000
        return Tables.rowmerge(plan; sample_unit="microvolt",
        return plan

new_plan = map(fix_millivolts, Tables.rows(plans))
samples, plan_executed = edf_to_onda_samples(edf, new_plan)

As another, similar example, sometimes EMG channels get recorded with different physical units. In such a case, OndaEDF cannot merge these channels and will create multiple separate Samples objects which each have sensor_type = "emg". This can be corrected in a similar way, for exmaple by converting millivolts to microvolts (adjusting of course depending on the nature of your dataset) and re-grouping into Onda samples:

edf = EDF.File(my_edf_file_path)
plans = plan_edf_to_onda_samples(edf; label=my_labels)

function fix_emg(plan)
    if plan.sensor_type == "emg"
        if plan.sample_unit == "millivolt"
            sample_resolution_in_unit = plan.sample_resolution_in_unit * 1000
            sample_offset_in_unit = plan.sample_offset_in_unit * 1000
            plan = Tables.rowmerge(plan; sample_unit="microvolt",
        return plan
        return plan

new_plan = map(fix_emg, Tables.rows(plans))
# re-compute the grouping of EDF signals into Onda signals:
new_plan = plan_edf_to_onda_samples_groups(new_plan)
samples, plan_executed = edf_to_onda_samples(edf, new_plan)

Pre-processing signal headers

Sometimes non-standard usage of the label and transducer type fields makes automatic matching difficult. In such cases, you can preprocess the signal headers before generating a plan. For example, in a situation where the transducer type and labels are switched, you can switch them back before planning:

edf = EDF.File(my_edf_file_path)

function corrected_header(signal::EDF.Signal)
    header = signal.header
    return Tables.rowmerge(header; 

plans = map(plan_edf_to_onda_samples  corrected_header, edf.signals)
grouped_plans = plan_edf_to_onda_samples_groups(plans)
samples, plan_executed = edf_to_onda_samples(edf, grouped_plans)

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