
Ray tracing of 3D meshes (not for visualization)
Author VirtualPlantLab
0 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
September 2023


Stable Dev CI Coverage SciML Code Style ColPrac: Contributor's Guide on Collaborative Practices for Community Packages Aqua QA DOI

This package is a component of the VPL ecosystem. It implements and ray tracer algorithm for simulating light interception by plants. This package is a component of the Virtual Plant Lab. Users should install instead the interface package VirtualPlantLab.jl.

1. Installation

You can install the latest stable version of PlantRayTracer.jl with the Julia package manager:

] add PlantRayTracer

Or the development version directly from here:

import Pkg
Pkg.add(url="", rev = "master")