
Digital baseband models for RF impairments, in Julia langage :)
Author JuliaTelecom
3 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2022




This Julia package aims to propose digital baseband models for Radio Frequency (RF) impairments. These models are useful for Physical layer design as a digital receiver chain requires often digital compensation of the impairments from both the transmitter and the receiver sides. We propose state of the art models for different RF impairments models

  • I/Q mismatch (also called IQ imbalance) induced by the local oscillator
  • Carrier Frequency Offset, induced by the difference between the Tx oscillator and the Rx oscillators
  • Phase noise, induced by the Tx (or Rx) local oscillator
  • Non linear Power amplifier models, with -for the moment- parametric models and that models the distortion induced by the power amplifier of the transmitter stage.


Documentation can be found here and have been generated with Documenter.


The package is in early development stage and not registered at the moment. You can still play and use it with, in Pkg mode

    ] add  https://github.com/JuliaTelecom/RFImpairmentsModels.git

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