
Nicely formatted p-adic numbers.
Author scheinerman
1 Star
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
July 2021


Easy to use and nicely formatted p-adic numbers (in base-p, place-value notation). Everything rides on Nemo.

Breaking change in version 0.2: The function has_p_root just returns a Bool value and not a 2-tuple.



This module provides the type Padic{p} to represent p-adic numbers (for prime p). Numbers of this sort are created either with Integer or Rational arguments:

julia> using SimplePadics

julia> Padic{5}(82)

julia> Padic{5}(1//15)

For p equal to 2 we have the abbreviation Dyadic that is exacly equivalent to Padic{2}.

julia> Dyadic(1//10)

The function base returns p for numbers of type Padic{p}:

julia> a = Padic{7}(100//49)

julia> base(a)


The standard arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) may be performed with arguments that are both of the same p-adic type, or a mixture of a p-adic and an Integer or Rational. Some examples:

julia> a = Padic{7}(10)

julia> a+1

julia> 2a

julia> a/a

julia> inv(a)


If the prime p is greater than 7, then we use letters to stand for digits beyond 9 (that is, a for ten, b for eleven, and so forth).

julia> a = Padic{17}(1000)

julia> 3 * 17^2 + 7 * 17 + 14

To get the digits as a list of integers, use digits(a). The first entry in the result is the most significant digit (rightmost).

julia> a = Padic{7}(124//49)

julia> digits(a)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

See valuation to determine the location of the radix point.

julia> valuation(a)

Adjusting Precision

The precision of Padic numbers is globally controlled using the functions set_precision and get_precision.

Use set_precision(n::Int) to set the precision to n digits. Use set_precision() to set the precision to the default value (10).

The function get_precision() returns the current setting.

Warning: Padic numbers created with different precisions cannot be compared for equality or combined in operations.

julia> a = Padic{5}(-1)

julia> set_precision(20)

julia> b = Padic{5}(-1)

julia> a == b
ERROR: Incompatible padic rings in padic operation


The functions sqrt, exp, log, and valuation from Nemo are imported into this module. For example:

julia> a = Padic{5}(-1)

julia> sqrt(a)

julia> ans^2

julia> a = Padic{5}(500)

julia> valuation(a)

julia> 1/a

julia> valuation(1/a)

julia> abs(a)

julia> abs(1/a)

Roots of Polynomials

Let F be a SimplePolynomial with integer or rational coefficients. The function p_root(F,p) returns a p-adic root of F (if one exists) or throws an error otherwise.

julia> using SimplePadics, SimplePolynomials

julia> x = getx()

julia> F = x^2 + 1
1 + x^2

julia> t = p_root(F,5)

julia> t^2 + 1

julia> sqrt(Padic{5}(-1))

The function has_p_root(F,p) tests if a polynomial has a p-adic root. Returns true if F has a root and false otherwise.

Compatability with LinearAlgebraX

Matrices/vectors populated with Padic numbers can be used in the LinearAlgebraX module. Some examples here:

julia> using LinearAlgebraX

julia> A = rand(Int,5,5) .% 10  # create a random matrix with entries between -9 and 9.
5×5 Matrix{Int64}:
 -9  -5  -4  -9  -8
  0  -1   9  -3   8
  2  -9   0   0  -4
  0   7  -6  -5   8
  0  -5   6  -2  -6

julia> A = Padic{5}.(A)  # convert those values to 5-adic numbers
5×5 Matrix{Padic{5}}:
 …4444444431.0_{5}  …44444444440.0_{5}  …4444444441.0_{5}   …4444444431.0_{5}  …4444444432.0_{5}
          …0.0_{5}   …4444444444.0_{5}          …14.0_{5}   …4444444442.0_{5}          …13.0_{5}
          …2.0_{5}   …4444444431.0_{5}           …0.0_{5}            …0.0_{5}  …4444444441.0_{5}
          …0.0_{5}           …12.0_{5}  …4444444434.0_{5}  …44444444440.0_{5}          …13.0_{5}
          …0.0_{5}  …44444444440.0_{5}          …11.0_{5}   …4444444443.0_{5}  …4444444434.0_{5}

julia> detx(A)

julia> invx(A)
5×5 Matrix{Padic{5}}:
 …4344224002.0_{5}  …4441024033.0_{5}  …1242400242.0_{5}  …2100330003.0_{5}   …211103034.0_{5}
 …4333241114.0_{5}  …2024323204.0_{5}  …1141013103.0_{5}  …3103232201.0_{5}  …4420230301.0_{5}
 …1011004214.0_{5}  …3224241133.0_{5}  …4324312303.0_{5}   …404043040.0_{5}  …2430224440.0_{5}
 …1031224011.0_{5}  …2022011034.0_{5}  …2244123102.0_{5}  …1312340431.0_{5}    …23100104.0_{5}
 …1324102422.0_{5}  …2324440300.0_{5}   …101223004.0_{5}    …21033133.0_{5}   …220320101.0_{5}

julia> A * ans
5×5 Matrix{Any}:
 …1.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}
 …0.0_{5}  …1.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}
 …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …1.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}
 …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …1.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}
 …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …0.0_{5}  …1.0_{5}

julia> nullspacex(A[1:3,:])
5×2 Matrix{Padic{5}}:
 …3414203434.0_{5}  …2234314433.0_{5}
 …3020203312.0_{5}   …241004443.0_{5}
 …3314221230.0_{5}  …2120313420.0_{5}
          …1.0_{5}           …0.0_{5}
          …0.0_{5}           …1.0_{5}

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