
Solver for 1D nonlinear partial differential equations in Julia based on the collocation method of Skeel and Berzins
Author gregoirepourtier
10 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
December 2022



Solver for one-dimensional parabolic and elliptic nonlinear partial differential equations.

This package is based on the spatial discretization for the method of lines introduced by Skeel and Berzins in [1]. For transient problems, the time discretization is performed either by the implicit Euler method (internal method) or by using an ODE/DAE solver from the DifferentialEquations.jl package.


The Julia version must be greater than or equal to 1.6. More information about downloading Julia can be found here.


To install the package, use one of the following commands:

1. From the Julian prompt:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("SkeelBerzins")

2. From the Pkg mode

julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> add SkeelBerzins


[1] Skeel, Robert D. and Berzins, Martin, "A Method for the Spatial Discretization of Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable", SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, Vol. 11, 1990, pp.1–32.