
Resample fluxes and errors onto a new, arbitrary wavelength grid while conserving the total flux.
Author Michael-Reefe
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
September 2023


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This Julia package allows one to resample fluxes and errors onto a new arbitrary wavelength grid while conserving the total flux. It is based off of the Python package SpectRes by Adam Carnall and implements most of the same functionality, but with some minor differences (noted below). Please see Carnall (2017) for more information about the theory behind the spectral resampling procedure.


julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("SpectralResampling")

or alternatively,

julia> ]
(Environment)> add SpectralResampling


This package only has one dependency:


The main function, which is a translation of SpectRes's spectres function, is called resample_conserving_flux and has the following call signature:

resample_conserving_flux(new_wave, old_wave, flux[, err, mask]; fill=NaN, verbose=true)

Required arguments:

  • new_wave::AbstractVector: The new 1D wavelength array that the flux should be resampled onto.
  • old_wave::AbstractVector: The original 1D wavelength array the the flux vector is currently sampled onto.
  • flux::AbstractArray: An n-dimensional flux array giving the fluxes at the specified wavelengths. The first axis of this array should match the length of old_wave, while any additional axes will be treated as independent spectra.

Optional arguments:

  • err::AbstractArray: An optional n-dimension error array giving the errors in the fluxes at the specified wavelengths. The size of this array must match the size of flux.
  • mask::BitArray: An optional n-dimensional mask array containing boolean values indicating whether certain flux values should be masked out. The size of this array must match the size of flux. Note that the mask is NOT used in the calculation of the new fluxes -- it is instead resampled in such a way that the output mask will cover the same pixels that the input mask covered.

Keyword arguments:

  • fill::Real=NaN: The fill value that is used to populate bins that are outside of the original wavelength range.
  • verbose::Bool=true: Whether or not to print a warning message if any bins fall outside of the original wavelength range.


  • new_fluxes::AbstractArray: The fluxes that have been resampled onto the output wavelength grid. The first axis will have the same length as new_wave whereas all other axes will be the same as the original flux array.

Optional returns:

  • new_errs::AbstractArray: Only returned if an input err is provided. These are the errors that have been resampled onto the output wavelength grid. Will be the same size as new_fluxes.
  • new_mask::BitArray: Only returned if an input mask is provided. These are the new mask values that have been resampled onto the output wavelength grid. Will be the same size as new_fluxes.

A few other utility functions are provided that were not present in the original Python version. Namely, get_logarithmic_λ and get_linear_λ, which convert between linearly-spaced and logarithmically-spaced wavelength vectors. They each take as input a wavelength vector (for get_logarithmic_λ the input must be linear and for get_linear_λ the input must be logarithmic), and an optional second argument specifying the spacing of the new vector in log space or linear space. If no spacing is provided, the output vector is spaced such that it has the same number of samples as the input vector.

Differences from the python package

There are a few key differences worth mentioning:

  • This code assumes that your flux array's FIRST axis is the wavelength axis, whereas the python version assumes it's the LAST axis. Make sure you're aware of the convention used by whichever version you're using! (note: this was changed for performance reasons, since Julia uses column-major indexing whereas python uses row-major indexing, so it's more optimal in Julia to make the first axis the one that is changing most rapidly).
  • There is an additional mask argument that allows one to input a mask as a BitArray the same size as flux and err. The mask will be combined by taking an any operation along all of the bins in the original flux array that are combined into the new bin in the output flux array. That is to say, if any of the points used from the orignal flux array to calculate the rebinned flux were masked out, then the new flux value will also be masked out. The mask is NOT used during the calculation of the output fluxes or errors.
  • The get_logarithmic_λ and get_linear_λ functions are new (see above).
  • Due to Julia's JIT compiler and optimizations using LoopVectorization.jl, this package is must faster than the original Python version, and even beats the numba-jitted Python version as well (after compilation). For very large 70000x40x40 flux and error arrays, during my testing, the Julia version completed in ~10s while the numba veresion took ~12s. For smaller 70000x10x10 arrays, the julia version took ~0.07s versus ~0.17s for the numba version.


If you use this code in your research, consider citing the original Carnall (2017) paper.

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