
A library to use Lightfield SPE files in Julia.
Author Klafyvel
2 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
July 2022


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SPEFiles is a librairy aiming at providing utilities to open Princeton instruments SPE 3.0 files.

The SPE 3.0 specification can be found here.

The library is inspired by the spe2py library, but should provide more features.


The library is registered. Use

] add SPEFiles


SPEFiles is best served using DataFrames.jl. Open a file like this :

using SPEFiles, DataFrames

file = SPEFile("myfile.spe")
df = DataFrame(file)

You can then simply plot a file like this :

using CairoMakie
f, ax, l = lines(df.wavelength, df.count, axis=(xlabel="Wavelength (nm)", ylabel="Counts", title="My spectrum"))
save("myspectrum.png", f)

The columns of the dataframe are wavelength, count, frame, roi, row, column. You can easily handle complex files with multiple frames and regions of interest, or 2D files, using the DataFrame interface.

If you need metadata of the file, the following functions are useful :

  • SPEFile to open and read a SPE file.
  • exposure to get the exposure time.
  • experiment to get the xml representing the experiment in LightField
  • origin_summary to get file creator informations
  • devices to get xml data on the devices

You can also access the XML bits of the file using the xml field of the file. This is an XMLDocument, see LightXML.jl documentation for how to interact with it. With that you can retrieve all the experiment parameters used in LightField.


Contributions and feedbacks are welcome. Please reach out using issues !

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