A julia library to analyze scanning tunneling and atomic force spectroscopy data.
Currently in early stages, with support for Nanonis spectroscopy files. So far, it is only tested for Bias and Z spectroscopy experiments. Reading of other experiments and file formats will be implemented if needed.
using SpmSpectroscopy
s = load_spectrum("Bias_spectrocopy_007.dat")
s.position # get position of the probe
s.channel_names # get channel names
s.channel_units # get channel names
s.header # get raw header data
s.data # all data in a DataFrame
s.data.Current # get data for a "Current" channel
s.data[!, "Current"] # get data for a "Current" channel
Please post issues, suggestions, and pull requests on github. Follow me on twitter for updates and more information about this project:
- SpmImageTycoon.jl: App to organize SPM images and spectra.
- SpmImages.jl: Julia library to read and display SPM images.
- SpmGrids.jl: Julia library to read and analyze SPM grid spectroscopy.
- imagex: Python scripts to analyze scanning probe images.
- gridex: Python scripts to analyze 3D grid data.