
Tag POMDP problem using POMDPS.jl
Author dylan-asmar
1 Star
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
May 2022


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The Tag [1] problem with the POMDPs.jl interface.

[1] Pineau, Joelle et al. “Point-based value iteration: An anytime algorithm for POMDPs.” in IJCAI 2003 (link)

Tag Demo


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julia> ]
pkg> add TagPOMDPProblem

Problem description

The goal of the agent is to tag the opponent by performing the tag action while in the same square as the opponent.

  • States: position of the robot and target and whether the target has been tagged or not

  • Actions: The agent can move in the four cardinal directions or perform the tag action. When performing the tag action, the robot does not move. The target moves during tag if the robot and target are not at the same location.

  • Transition model: The movement of the agent is deterministic based on its selected action. The opponent moves stochastically according to a fixed policy away from the agent. The opponent moves away from the agent move_away_probability of the time and stays in the same cell otherwise. The implementation of the opponent’s movement policy varies slightly from the original paper allowing more movement away from the agent, thus making the scenario slightly more challenging. This implementation redistributes the probabilities of actions that result in hitting a wall to other actions that result in moving away. See the transitions.jl for details. The transition function from the original implementation can be used by passing orig_transition_fcn = true.

  • Observation model: The agent’s position is fully observable but the opponent’s position is unobserved unless both actors are in the same cell. The number of observations is one more than the number of grid squares (e.g. 30 observations for the default problem).

  • Reward model: A reward of step_penalty is imposed for each motion action and the tag action results in a tag_reward for a successful tag and tag_penalty otherwise.


Default Problem

using POMDPs
using TagPOMDPProblem
using SARSOP # load a  POMDP Solver
using POMDPGifs # to make gifs

pomdp = TagPOMDP()

solver = SARSOPSolver(; timeout=150)
policy = solve(solver, pomdp)

sim = GifSimulator(filename="test.gif", max_steps=50)
simulate(sim, pomdp, policy)

Tag Example

Larger Grid

using POMDPs
using TagPOMDPProblem
using SARSOP # load a  POMDP Solver
using POMDPGifs # to make gifs

grid = TagGrid(;bottom_grid=(12, 4), top_grid=(6, 5), top_grid_x_attach_pt=3)
pomdp = TagPOMDP(;tag_grid=grid)
solver = SARSOPSolver(; timeout=600)
policy = solve(solver, pomdp)

sim = GifSimulator(filename="test_larger.gif", max_steps=50)
simulate(sim, pomdp, policy)

Tag Larger Grid Example

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