UnitfulAstro.jl is an extension of Unitful.jl to include units commonly encountered in astronomy.
Author: Michael Eastwood
License: MIT "Expat"
Documentation: http://juliaastro.github.io/UnitfulAstro.jl/stable
The list of additional units is given below:
- Erg
- Dyne
- Arc minute
- Arc second
- Julian year
- Astronomical unit
- Light year
- Parsec
- Jansky
- Solar radius
- Solar irradiance
- Solar luminosity
- Solar mass [1]
- Earth radius [2]
- Earth mass [1]
- Jupiter radius [2]
- Jupiter mass [1]
- Fifty-one ergs
- Solar flux unit
- Total electron content unit
In addition the following magnitudes are supported:
- Absolute and apparent bolometric magnitude
- AB magnitude
- Johnson-Cousins UBVRI magnitudes
- Gunn griz magnitudes
Where applicable, all units are defined by the IAU standard.
[1]: gravitational constant times mass also given
[2]: polar and equatorial radii