
Unit conversion utility for the cosmological Tree-SPH code Gadget
Author LudwigBoess
4 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
July 2020
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This package provides some basic unit conversion functionality to work with the SPH code Gadget2 by Volker Springel. It is based on the unit conversions listed by Klaus Dolag on his HowTo page (restricted). Further functionality provides tools for cosmological simulations.

If you use GadgetUnits.jl in publications please cite it.

Unit Conversion

GadgetUnits.jl uses Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl to store the unit conversion factors with actual units in place. You can convert the internal units of Gadget into cgs units by defining the struct GadgetPhysicalUnits:

GU = GadgetPhysicalUnits(l_unit::T=3.085678e21, m_unit::T=1.989e43, v_unit::T=1.e5;
                         a_scale::T=1.0, hpar::T=1.0,
                         γ_th::T=5.0/3.0, γ_CR::T=4.0/3.0, xH::T=0.76) where T

where the keyword arguments are:

  • a_scale = 1.0: Cosmological scale factor of the simulation. Can be passed with the header h as h.time.
  • hpar = 1.0: Hubble constant as 'little h'. Can be passed with header h as h.h0.
  • γ_th = 5.0/3.0: Adiabatic index of gas.
  • γ_CR = 4.0/3.0: Adiabatic index of cosmic ray component.
  • xH = 0.76: Hydrogen fraction of the simulation, if run without chemical model.

This returns an struct of type GadgetPhysicalUnits with the following properties:

Field Name Meaning
x_cgs::T position in cm
x_physical::T position in kpc
v_cgs::T velocity in cm/s
v_physical::T velocity in km/s
m_cgs::T mass in g
m_msun::T mass in Msun
m_physical::T mass in 10^10 Msun
t_s::T time in sec
t_Myr::T time in Myr
E_cgs::T energy in erg
E_eV::T energy in eV
B_cgs::T magnetic field in Gauss
rho_physical::T density in 10^10 Msun/kpc^3
rho_cgs::T density in g/cm^3
rho_ncm3::T density in n_p/cm^3
T_K::T temperature in K
T_eV::T temperature in eV
P_th_cgs::T thermal pressure in Ba
P_CR_cgs::T cosmic ray pressure in Ba

To convert, say positions of gas particles from a cosmological simulation to physical units you can use:

h     = read_header(filename)

pos   = read_snap(filename, "POS", 0)

GU    = GadgetPhysicalUnits(a_scale=h.time, hpar=h.h0)

pos .*= GU.x_cgs

If you have different units than the standard Gadget ones you can call the object cunstructor with different values

GU = GadgetPhysicalUnits(your_l_unit, your_m_unit, your_v_unit; kwargs...)

Converting the units can then be done with Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl. So if you want to convert the position units from the default cm to Mpc you can do this as:

using Unitful
using UnitfulAstro

pos = read_snap(filename, "POS", 0)
pos = @. pos * GU.x_cgs |> u"Mpc"

If you want to get rid of the units, for example if you need basic datatypes again for a function you can use the funtion ustrip:

pos = ustrip(pos)

Primitive unit type

If you want to have the same functionality, but without using Unitful.jl you can construct a similar object:

GU = GadgetPhysical(l_unit::T=3.085678e21, m_unit::T=1.989e43, v_unit::T=1.e5;
                    a_scale::T=1.0, hpar::T=1.0,
                    γ_th::T=5.0/3.0, γ_CR::T=4.0/3.0, xH::T=0.76) where T

This uses the same conversions, but leaves out the actual unit strings.

Used By Packages