Common astrodynamics calculations, with units!
JuliaCon Talk
Check out GeneralAstrodynamics
in action at JuliaCon 2021! The talk
Going to Jupiter with Julia
walks through a simple Jupiter mission design while gently introducing
astrodynamics, Julia, and GeneralAstrodynamics
Restricted Two-body Problem (R2BP)
- Structures for Cartesian and Keplerian states, and R2BP systems
- Functions which implement common R2BP equations
- Kepler and Lambert solvers
- Orbit propagation and plotting
Circular Restricted Three-body Problem (CR3BP)
- Structures for dimensioned and normalized Cartesian states, and dimensioned and normalized CR3BP systems
- Functions which implement common CR3BP equations
- Analytical and iterative (numerical) Halo orbit solvers
- Unstable and stable Halo orbit manifold computation
- Orbit propagation and plotting
- Zero-velocity curve computation and plotting
N-body Problem (NBP)
- This was implemented in a previous package version, and is currently being refactored
Some quick examples are below!
# Installation
import Pkg
Pkg.add("GeneralAstrodynamics") # or julia> ]install GeneralAstrodynamics
# Loading
using GeneralAstrodynamics, Unitful
# Construct a R2BP orbit (massless spacecraft
# moving due to the gravity of one planet)
orbit = let e = 0.4, a = 10_000, i = Ω = ω = ν = 0, planet = Earth
orbitalstate = KeplerianState(e, a, i, Ω, ω, ν)
Orbit(orbitalstate, Earth)
# Alternatively, use a `CartesianState`
orbit = Orbit(
CartesianState(randn(6)), # random state vector, [r..., v...]
# Construct a CR3BP orbit (massless spacecraft moving
# due to the gravity of two planets, both of which
# move in a circle about their common center of mass)
orbit = Orbit(
CartesianState(randn(6)), # random state vector (again!)
# Propagate any orbit in time (after `using DifferentialEquations`)
using DifferentialEquations
trajectory = propagate(orbit, 10u"d") # unitful times are convenient here!
# Constract a periodic orbit within CR3BP dynamics (Halo orbit),
# and the orbital period `T` (also requires `DifferentialEquations`)
orbit, T = halo(SunEarth; L=1, Az=75_000u"km")
# Construct a manifold which converges to (stable), or
# diverges from (unstable) the Halo orbit
superslide = manifold(orbit, T; duration=2T, eps=-1e8, direction=Val{:stable})
# Plot any `Trajectory` or `Manifold` (after `using Plots`)
using Plots
plot(trajectory; title="R2BP Trajectory")
plot(propagate(orbit, T); vars=:XY, label="Halo Orbit", aspect_ratio=1)
plot(superslide; vars=:XY, title="Stable Manifold near Earth")
In the coming years, the
Getting Started page
will have code examples, and other documentation for fundamental astrodynamics
concepts, and GeneralAstrodynamics
usage. Stay tuned and/or submit pull