Dependency Packages
EMpht.jl12[Julia Package] Fitting Phase-Type Distributions using an EM Algorithm
Mice.jl12A package for missing data handling via multiple imputation by chained equations in Julia. It is heavily based on the R package {mice} by Stef van Buuren, Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn and collaborators.
Polynomials4ML.jl12Polynomials for ML: fast evaluation, batching, differentiation
PolynomialBases.jl12Polynomial bases for spectral element methods.
ClimatePlots.jl12Plotting library for ClimateTools
MINLPTests.jl12Unit and Integration Tests for JuMP NLP and MINLP solvers
PlotShapefiles.jl12A package to plot shapefiles with Julia.
HighFrequencyCovariance.jl12A package for estimating and regularising correlation and covariance matrices with high frequency financial data
NeuroAnalysis.jl12Neural Signal Analysis
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
ContinuousTimeMarkov.jl12Julia package for Markov chains in continuous time.
DWave.jl12🌊 D-Wave Quantum Annealing Interface for JuMP
HardSphereDynamics.jl12Dynamics of elastic hard balls in arbitrary number of dimensions in Julia
FeedbackParticleFilters.jl12A Julia package that provides (feedback) particle filters for nonlinear stochastic filtering and data assimilation problems
DSPopt.jl12Julia modeling interface to parallel decomposition solver DSP
ControlBarrierFunctions.jl12Control barrier functions (CBFs) in Julia.
GTPSA.jl12Julia interface to the Generalised Truncated Power Series Algebra (GTPSA) library
GridPotentialFlow.jl12A set of tools to solve potential flows past bodies on a Cartesian grid
ADRIA.jl12ADRIA: Adaptive Dynamic Reef Intervention Algorithms. A multi-criteria decision support platform for informing reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
GeoClustering.jl12Geostatistical clustering methods for the GeoStats.jl framework
MomentOpt.jl12A Julia modeling layer for the Generalized Moment Problem
PDEBase.jl12Common types and interface for discretizers of ModelingToolkit PDESystems.
MomentArithmetic.jl12Rigorous moment propagation with partial information about moments and dependencies in Julia
ApproxFunBase.jl12Core functionality of ApproxFun
DASKR.jl12Interface to DASKR, a differential algebraic system solver for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
ActionModels.jl11A Julia package for behavioural modeling
ForwardDiffOverMeasurements.jl11Desambiguation, ForwardDiff over Measurements
ElectromagneticFields.jl11Common Interface for Analytical and Numerical Electromagnetic Fields
NumericalMethodsforEngineers.jl11Programs modeled after "Numerical Methods for Engineers" by D.V. Griffiths and I.M. Smith
KitML.jl11Lightweight module of neural differential equations in Kinetic.jl
BarycentricInterpolation.jl11A Julia implementation of Barycentric interpolation and differentiation formulae
Mueller.jl11Building blocks for Mueller calculus
JavisNB.jl11Notebook integrations for Javis.jl
GeometricTools.jl11Methods for the manipulation of geometric data, grid generation, and visualization formatting.
RegularizationTools.jl11A Julia package to perform Tikhonov regularization for small to moderate size problems.
MicroCanonicalHMC.jl11Implementation of Arxiv:2212.08549 in Julia
AdaOPS.jl11An implementation of the AdaOPS (Adaptive Online Packing-based Search), which is an online POMDP Solver used to solve problems defined with the POMDPs.jl generative interface.
Orbits.jl11Flexible and fast astronomical orbits
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