Dependency Packages
SphereUDE.jl2A Julia package for regression in the sphere based on Universal Differential Equations
EclipsingBinaryStars.jl2Provides an eclipsing binary type as well as functions that compute eclipsing binary parameters
DampRR.jl2A Julia package for the damped rank reduction method and its variants.
SIIP2Marmot.jl2This package connects PowerSimulation results to Marmot for plotting system results
LovaszTheta.jl2Lovasz theta functions and theta bodies for Graphs.jl
Gasdynamics1D.jl2Tools for analysis of 1d gasdynamics problems
SphericalGeometry.jl2A Julia Package for handling Spherical Geometry
QuantumControlTestUtils.jl2Tools for testing and benchmarking within the JuliaQuantumControl organization
PRISMA.jl2Generate checklists and flow diagrams based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
CancerImagingArchive.jl2Julia interface for exploring and downloading data on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA)
QuantumCitations.jl2Fork of DocumenterCitations. Superseded by DocumenterCitations 1.0
MAiNGO.jl2A Julia Wrapper to use MAiNGO with JuMP
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
SignalingDimension.jl2Certify the classical simulation cost of black-box systems.
DailyMed.jl2Interface to the REST functions of the National Library of Medicine's DailyMed database, in Julia
HealthSampleData.jl2Sample health data for a variety of health formats and use cases
CanopyLayers.jl2Canopy radiation model
MarginalLogDensities.jl2Marginalized log-probability functions in Julia
MCMCChainsStorage.jl2Library for storing your MCMCChains without serialization.
ProjectEulerUtil.jl2Utility functions for Project Euler
ApproximateVanishingIdeals.jl2Approximate vanishing ideal computations
GoogleCodeSearch.jl2Julia interface to Google Code Search
NeuralGraphicsGL.jl2Helper OpenGL functionality
EEGToolkit.jl2A Julia package for computational EEG analysis with a focus on sleep neuroscience
GoAWS.jl2Julia wrapper of GoAWS
DynamicBoundsBase.jl2Abstraction Layer for Dynamic Bounds
PALEOboxes.jl2Model coupler for the PALEO model framework
SideKicks.jl2Statistical Inference to DEtermine KICKS on compact objects
CVChannel.jl2A numerical library for evaluating the communication value of a quantum channel.
GeoStatsViz.jl2Makie.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
DiffusionGarnet.jl2Model coupled diffusion of major elements in garnet using natural data.
DiffusionDefinition.jl2Structured way of defining diffusion processes
GeoStatsModels.jl2Geostatistical models for the GeoStats.jl framework
Huginn.jl2Fast and flexible glacier ice flow models
ErdosExtras.jl2More algorithms for the Erdos.jl graph library
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