Dependency Packages
OutlierDetectionTest.jl2Test Toolkit for Outlier Detection Algorithms
Kinbiont.jl2Ecosystem of numerical methods for microbial kinetics data analysis, from preprocessing to result interpretation.
PolyhedralCubature.jl2Multiple integration on convex polytopes.
KiteUtils.jl2Utilities for kite power system simulations
SPEFiles.jl2A library to use Lightfield SPE files in Julia.
Kitten.jl2Kitten is a micro-framework built on top of the HTTP.jl library.
AbstractGPsMakie.jl2Plots of Gaussian processes with AbstractGPs and Makie
RenderJay.jl2A Julia-based path tracer
Microwaves.jl2Tools for RF design using Julia
Slacker.jl2A Julia Package that allows sending message to slack (e.g. to let you know a simulation has completed).
OndaBatches.jl2Local and distributed batch loading for Onda datasets
RemBG.jl2Julia implementation of the python package rembg
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
KrakenEx.jl2Julia Package to interact with the Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange API for both Spot and Futures, REST and Websocket endpoints.
FieldTracer.jl2Vector field tracing on common types of meshes
SpeciesToNetworks.jl2SpeciesToNetworks. jl is a tool to convert species abundance data into undirected network, the basic principle of the tool is to judge whether there is a connection according to the Spearman or Pearson.
Spirograph.jl2Julia implementation of a spirograph
KrigingModel.jl2A light-weight GaussianProcesses.jl wrapper
RelationalDatasets.jl2Julia package for fetching and using srlearn-compatible relational datasets.
Navigation.jl1This package provides a number of navigation functions. The functions are based on the Aviation Formulary V1.46 of Ed Williams and the latlong scripts of Movable-type.
SQLCompose.jl1Relational composition
HoloProcessing.jl1A package for digital holographic image processing
HmtGutenberg.jl1Generate plain-text editions of texts in the HMT archive in as many formats as you please.
EHTModels.jl1A Julia package to provide generic parameterized models for radio interferometric data
DynamicsPlots.jl1This is a visualization package to render typical figures for dynamics.
AnimalBehavior.jl1[WIP] Wrapper package for simulation and bayesian inference of behavioral models
BayesBase.jl1BayesBase is a package that serves as an umbrella, defining, exporting, and re-exporting methods essential for Bayesian statistics
PALEOaqchem.jl1Aquatic biogeochemistry for PALEO framework
HmtFacsimileBuilders.jl1A Julia package for building static-page digital facsimiles of scholarly editions.
PALEOsediment.jl1PALEOtoolkit sediment components and standalone examples
Clines.jl1Circles and lines in the plane
FlashRank.jl1Rapid Document Ranking, Powered by Lightweight Models.
FlagSOS.jl1A julia package for extremal combinatorics based on the flag algebra method.
MPIFiles.jl1Julia Package for reading and writing MPI Files
PasteMyst.jl1A PasteMyst API Wrapper for Julia.
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