Dependency Packages
CommonOPF.jl1A module of shared scaffolding and methods for BranchFlowModel, LinDistFlow, and LinearPowerFlow
Allocations.jl1Algorithms for fair item allocation.
DiscreteEntropy.jl1Estimation of Shannon Entropy for Discrete Random Variables
NonconvexMMA.jl1Method of moving asymptotes implementation for Nonconvex.jl
OliveImages.jl1Image files for olive
NoiseModels.jl1Noise modeling
OMOPCDMDatabaseConnector.jl1Utility package to connect to databases in the OMOP CDM format
NodalPolynomialSpaces.jl1Largrange polynomial based spectral PDE solvers
StanIO.jl1Cmdstan related I/O operations
FluorescentSeries.jl1Utilities to deal with fluorescence time series
OpenPolicyAgent.jl1Julia OpenPolicyAgent Client, Server and CLI.
ConservationLawsParticles.jl1Particle methods for 1D conservation laws
Forem.jl1Julia wrapper for Forem API v1
NeuralNetworkReachability.jl1Set propagation for neural networks in Julia
OperatorApproximation.jl1A framework for approximating functions, operators and solving operator equations
AnalyticalMethodValidation.jl1Method validation
OpSel.jl1Efficient optimal selection for tree breeding
ClusterRunner.jl1Julia experiment management system. Heavily inspired by monajemi/clusterjob.
OpticalFibers.jl1Julia package for Optical fibers
Constellation.jl1Client Julia pour Constellation.
NerfUtils.jl1Reusable NeRF components
TSMLextra.jl1External Machine Learning Libs for TSML
TrainingPhantoms.jl1Julia package for the Generation of Phantoms that can be used in ML Applications
TracyWidomBeta.jl1This package aims to compute the Tracy-Widom distribution for arbitrary positive beta.
TwilioSMS.jl1A small package that provides a function sendsms for sending text messages using Twilio.
TopOptMakie.jl1Makie visualization module for TopOpt.jl
UKBMain.jl1To work with a UKB main dataset
UlamMethod.jl1A package for discretizing trajectory data into a transition probability matrix using Ulam's method.
ToolipsDefaults.jl1Default servables for toolips
UnfoldCDL.jl1Deep Unfolded Convolutional Dictionary Learning for motif discovery.
Tomography.jl1A Julia package for Tomography.
UnivariateFunctions.jl1A package for simple algebra, calculus and evaluation of one dimensional functions. Can be used for approximation (splines, interpolation) and algebra.
Timestream.jl1AWS timestream client
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